Class Tuning in Progress -- 13 January

Class Tuning That A PvP Player Want To See :

Mistweaver Monk

  • Mistweaver mana cost of all spell is reduced by 30% in PvP situation

Explaination : compared to the other healer in competitive PvP, the mistweaver monk suffer greatly by the mana compared to the Restoration shaman / holy paladin and other healer.

  • Mistweaver Chrysalis (honor talent) reduce the cooldown of Life Cocoon by 45 seconds ( was 45 seconds ).

Explaination : Due to the removal of azerite trait in BFA that already reduced Life Cocoon by 20 seconds. We revert the change to make it back as a option in the honor talent in Arena.

Arms Warrior

  • Warrior Arm Execute / Comdemn damage reduced by -25% in PvP situation
  • Death Sentence ( honor talent) No longer work with Condemn when used above 80% health.
  • Sudden death ( Arm Warrior talent) proc rate is reduced by -30% of his PvE proc rate in PvP situation
  • Slam deal +15% more damage

Explaination : Arm Warrior is way too strong currently in PvP situation, mostly in arena due to Sudden Death and Condemn damage, that lead the warrior to get 20% (35% if venthyr) of his damage due to Execute / Condemn and the warrior no longer use the spell Slam in PvP situation. We want to see more warrior using slam than execute in PvP situation.

Paladin Retribution

  • Retribution Paladin Word of glory healing reduced by 50% in PvP situation

We thought that the retribution paladin healing was too strong and could totally replace a healer. Some Word of Glory can currently heal a target with 16,661 healing without having a cooldown on the spell. We want to keep the option for the retribution paladin between healing or dealing damage bu consumming holy power, without making Word of Glory a must use everytime in PvP situation.

Windwalker Monk

  • Windwalker Rising Sun Kick damage reduced by 5%. Reduced by 10% in PvP situation.
  • Xuen Damage deal -20% damage in PvP situation
  • Storm, Earth, Fire deal -20% damage in PvP situation

Windwalker have currently the best burst damage in the game in PvP situation, over a 2 minutes 32 seconds arena game, the percentage of his burst with Xuen and Earth, Storm, Fire combined can result of 32% damage overall for the monk. And since the burst last like 30 seconds, it make really quick the defensive of all class run out really quick with no real counterplay.

Rising Sun Kick is nerfed by 10% since a rising sun kick with the legendary that increase critical strike by 50 % can lead a Rising Sun Kick dealing garantee a 9 k damage on a mail armor player ( 35% of a health of a player ilevel 200) while being a instand spell without buff that increase damage.


  • Convok Spirit ( Balance and Feral druid) deal -40% damage in PvP situation.
  • Balance Druid Starsurge deal -10% damage in PvP situation.
  • Moonfire and sunfire deal -15% damage in PvP situation.
  • Wrath and Starfire deal +25% damage in PvP situation.

We want to see Balance druid getting more value in PvP situation as a caster casting Wrath and Starfire in PvP situation. While the burst of a boomkin is very strong with starsurge, out of starsurge damage the balance druid is not likely a threat while he cast Wrath or Starfire even with the alignement on. So we buff Wrath and Starfire damage with reducing Moonfire / Sunfire / Starsurge damage so the balance druid don’t have to spam Moonfire / Sunfire only to get value in his damage and charging astral ressource to use starsurge.

Restoration Druid

  • Restoration Druid healing over time effect is increased by 15% in PvP situation

While druid got a good burst healing with Swiftmend, the core of the class with healing on time is very quite lacking, resulting of healing on time not as important as it should be. We want to make the target being healed when with many healing on time on the target to feel when the druid is stun/ can not cast that the healing on time applyed make his effect.

Unholy Death Knight

  • Apocalyspe Deal 10% more damage and the Festering Wounds bursted deal 15% more damage if bursted by Apocalyspe. in PvP situation.
  • Scourge Strike ( Clawing Shadow if talented) deal 15% more damage in PvP situation
  • Death Coil Damage increase by 35% in PvP situation

While the pet of Unholy were strong in PvP, we had nerfed the mastery to do make the pet way too overhelming in term of damage on the ennemy player and maked the pet damage way too much compared to the other spell of the Unholy Death Knight. Since Unholy now lack the damage , we want to make Unholy Death Knight getting more value outside of his pet and being agressive as the player instead of always staying defensive while spamming Death Strike.

Frost Death Knight

  • Chill Streak damage reduced by 35%
  • Obliterate damage increase by 5% in PvP situation
  • Frost Strike damage increase by 15% in PvP situation
  • Frostwyrm’s Fury damage increase by 20% in PvP situation.
  • Permafrost auto attack damage grants you an absorb shield equal to 100% ( was 40%.)

As the Frost Death Knight was good in 3V3 thank to chill streak being strong when two target being close to each other, Frost Death Knight single target damage is very weak and is way too dependant of Chill streak for his damage when doing a killing set up. We also buffed Permafrost constant absorb since it was calculated for PvE only situation and not for PvP situation where armor is involved and the auto attack not constant, making Permafrost a more competitive talent with the other in the row.
We also buffed Frostwyrm’s Fury Damage to make this spell with 3 mn cooldown more respected and compensating the nerf of Chill streak for 3V3 arena while buffing Frost Death Knight Situation.

Fire Mage

  • Fire blast damage reduced by 25% in PvP situation
  • Pyroblast damage reduced by 15% in PvP situation
  • Fireball damage increase by 25% in PvP situation
  • Scorch damage increase by 10% in PvP situation

Fire mage Damage is currently insane due to his instant spell being too strong like fire blast and pyroblast, under Combustion it maked the fire mage burst damage currently way too hight in PvP situation. We want to preserve the might of Combustion, a cooldown to be feared while also keeping fire mage as a reasonnable state of competitivity. we also buffed Fireball and Scorch to allow the Fire mage to keep up dealing damage in constant situation.


  • Mindgame initial damage reduced by 35% in PvP situation. Mindgame second effect increase by 50% in PvP situation.

We thought that the initial damage was too strong for a spell like this, we don’t want to put away the spell in PvP and it potential of counterplay possible if not dispelled so we set some of the damage more in the second effect to see more play by the priest.

Outlaw Rogue

  • Damage overall increased by 10% in PvP situation.
  • Killing Spree damage increase by 33% in PvP situation
  • Dispatch damage increase by 20%
  • Roll dice minimum buff is now tuned at 2 buff minimum, and their modifier bring 1 buff more ( like Loaded Dice instead of 2 match minimum it will give 3 match minimum).

While Outlaw rogue is very constant and dependant of Slice and Dice and pure physical damage, his burst is merely not existant and too based on RNG. While we see Outlaw performing well in Mythic +, it is far the case in PvP situation while he lack damage in single target and a burst.

Demonology Warlock

  • Now gain Demon Armor option in Honor Talent.
  • Damage Overall increase by 10% in PvP situation
  • Demonbolt increase by 5% in PvP situation
  • Shadow Bolt increase by 15% PvP situation

Warrior Fury

  • Damage overall increase by 8% in PvP situation

Frost Mage

  • Damage overall increase by 8% in PvP situation

Beast Mastery Hunter

  • Damage overall increase by 8% in PvP situation

Marksmanship Hunter

  • A Murder of Crows damage increase by 50 % in PvP situation

While the damage of A Murder of Crows is balance on Beast Mastery and Survival, For some reason on Marksmanship this spell dealt half damage compared to the other specialisation of the hunter. We buffed it back so can compete equally with the other talent in the row in PvP situation

This would be a great class tuning in Player versus Player, that gonna give a lot of diversity in arena and will be able to see new composition :smiley:

And also getting a better quality of life in PvP balance :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: