Yes. I do. And until they do that the spec will exist in its own little bubble above everything else.
Not seeing the friction here honestly. Damage is covered by their own damaging abilities and buffing dps, utility (Comparable in scope to other dps) is covered by buffing healers and tanks in more limited ways.
It’s a DPS spec and a support playstyle. It is not a support spec.
In the same way that disc priest is a healer spec with a damage playstyle.
Yes, so I am right when I said, that with its current design its not possible to balance<.<
Again, you can try to word it as you like, at the end it stays the same. Its a spec that greately increases the output in every way of everyone, while being less self efficient. Thats the definition of an support spec.
But its not balanced like it should. A support spec in other games should do this:
LESS damage (including buffs to other specs) in exchange for more utility. Which is not the case.
Its not the case because the whole game is made for the holy trinity. In other words: Dungeons are balanced for a 1-1-3 configuration. And the healer and tanks specifically are tuned to that.
If you suddenly add a spec that can buff the healer by 20%, the tank by 20% and do 100% the dps of a DPS then you have an obvious problem, because its like going to a 5 man dungeon with 5.4 people. Get where the issue is?
And assuming that you balance Aug as other games do: by nerfing the damage (including buffs) such that you end up with 60% dps, 20% healer and 20% tank then the math would add up to 5 people for 5 man dungeon.
But in this specific case of a properly tuned support spec, what happens in currently designed dungeons is that its WAY more efficient to just bring a pure dps. As WoW Classic proved back in the day, when hybrid specs existed and were balanced like in D&D support specs.
And that is the #1 problem with support specs. In other games where they exist, the meta ALWAYS converges to the holy trinity (DPS, Tank, Healer). Because its more efficient than hybrid configurations.
TLDR: You CANNOT have suppot specs with out fundamentally changing the game.
You HAVE to include changes like (but not limited to): Pure DPS have 0 utility. ALL utility (stuns, CC, ect…) are funneled to this 1 support role… Ect… Which is a black hole of balancing issues on its own, in addition to the already complex ones.
That is why, 100% of the games that include a support role simply ditch it.