Class Tuning Incoming – 24 January

another char to add to ignore and report for harrasment you going thread to thread on different chars making personal attacks and off topic

I dont agree… Because fist-weaving and DPriest atonement have been staple for those classes since for ever…

And since for ever, they did a “tradeoff” where they could do that, but do less HPS or DPS in total. And hence, since for ever both specs have been “non-meta” or “non-popular” which IMO is not fair.

So by abandoning the “tradoff” balance scheme (by puting them in like in HPS with the rest of healers) you sit in this situation were in now.

That ONLY aggravates the underlying problem: There are some mechanics that are so OP that they either give it to ALL healers, or NONE of them. Cant have some healers with it, some with out it.

Mana regen during combat is another one of those OP things that ALL healers need to have. Hence, ALL healers have something.

And passive damage is one of those mechanics. So they need to give it to ALL healers, OR, remove Feline Stomp and Atonement. Which would be sad IMO.

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Saying that you’re wrong and don’t like having that stated is harassment? Ok bud!

But I actually did make a cup of tea and some food, so no sure if that is a form of harassment, but ok.

But I could turn it around and say you are harassing me with commenting on all the posts I’ve made and say I’m wrong :cry:

Good to know that Blizzard still is understaffed in the most needed areas or are severely lacking experienced competitive players giving honest / genuine feed back on what classes need a smack on the wrist, the fact no real monk or ele shaman nerfs for pvp is here is wild to me.

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Why it looks so out of reality?
Do we play the same game, I mean players and developers? Looks like they have some other build.

About retri-paladin.
Only two states are available: nerfed to the grave garbage or OP-God.

And I already see how everyone will cry that Pally is playeble now and can fight back. And then HUGE nerf will come. fffffffffff

Why you cannot making little changes to see how it goes? Why that dumb ALL or NOTHING tactic? :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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A 5% buff to ST and 2-3% buff to AoE is a little change…

I like buffs! They should do it more often. No nerfs, just buffs for everybody below the top meta. More powerful specs means less people crying.

But its not mechanics, its tuning.

Disc and mw had these things forever but they weren’t always meta picks.

Shaman with vesper totem was far more potent than a mw or disc even though you were a chain lightning bot.

I disagree that its a problem that some classes do active damage that translates into healing and others have to do an either / or. Otherwise we’re just going down the route of homogenize everything because otherwise its “unfair” or a “problem” that one class does something that happens to be better at a point in time.

I think DK’s need a full re work. Not % damage increases.

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LIKE WTF are even those Changes? WHY making Paladins so broken? In Raid they are top 3 ! ALWAYS. I with my Boomie, one of the last. Why do you forget to buff Boomie???

Data says this isn’t the case. Maybe the paladin in your raid group is just better than the rest of your raid by enough that they make up for it?

Boomie does kinda suck too though, surprised it didn’t see changes.

Broken how? You already played one next week? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: are you secretly a bronze dragon?

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They do, but that sort of thing is typically out of the reach of a hotfix. I’d suspect we’ll see a clearer picture for the future of DK when they reveal the next 2 sets of hero talents.

im seeing Ret’s totally BROKEN.

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Then you’re playing with good rets and worse other classes.

Personal anecdotes does not compelling evidence make.

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Yeah they will get snapped in half by trash mobs for sure…. As per usual

Still i dont get why they forget Boomie. Its on the grey end of the lists. WHY. Even WW is better now…

Yeah, like I said before – everybody gonna cry about paladins if they are become playable. And after week or too pala will be nerfed to the ground and mixed with dirt.

So, dont’t worry, that process is like a spiral, we have seen it many times before. Blizz hates paladins so much that trolling us with huge buffs and even huger nerf all the time.

p,s. Mr. Blizzard, may we have ret-pala that just fine, normal, average? Not OP-god hated by everyone, but in the same time not a useless holy-powered clown? Am I asking too much? :joy:

You’re vastly overestimating the size of these buffs.

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I got my KSH with a bad spec this season, I don’t care to climb 3k so really not on point.

If you have trouble timing keys lower than 20, the problem is on your side. Starting +22 then yeah meta is key & way more difficult for anything not meta

Nerf is needed, that you like it or not, it needs to happen. If they buff everybody to the meta classes level, there will be no challenge anymore.