Class Tuning Incoming – 25 September

Haha, I am already ooming fast as hell.
Only play battlegrounds. Does anyone else oom fast or am I playing my spec wrong?

stop with these nonsense rdruid aura buffs and buff hots, spring blossoms, verdancy spellpwer scaling, nerf regrowth and/or revert flourish position and un-nerf it. the class design is completely warped

You are most likely playing it wrong since you can’t even comprehend the simple fact that your character is suppose to be weak 1 month after an expansion just dropped.

I am playing it wrong since my character is supposed to be weak? If it is weak then it is not my fault then :slight_smile:

Frost and Fire Mages are trash tier in PvE. These buffs are needed.

It’s the same problem we we had last expansion, sadly.

And like last expansion arcane is busted.

Maybe I shouldn’t have generalised. For what I play (eg I’m never likely to do a mythic raid or dungeon) I seem a lot stronger than I have been for a while.

Un-nerf Protection Paladin please blizzard.


Ok so When i play pvp right now and i’m hitting someone that has a resto druid in their team
I feel like i’m doing 0 dmg because they hots are so OP that instead of their HP going down it’s going up :smiley:
And you buff healers?
healers in PVP are so OP that it’s not even FUN to play
like i can’t kill anyone because they are jut going from 10% to 100% not even in a SECOND

but of course no flame

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Buff Arms warrior please…its so under performing its a joke!
literally tickling healers and getting out damaged by a disc priest at times wtf.

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Shadow priest is BRAINDEAD and ridiculously strong.

Errrrr… What? Surely you’re not talking about PvE?

Yeah im just happy im not on that list…

Nobody was even playing that talent.

Pls consider for PVP that shadow have MAJOR issue vs meele because they have 100% uptime and shut down all your damage since you eaven have too hardcast your cooldowns

That greats a blancing nightmare if you buff shadow that it works vs meele if you just tune numbers

Shadow needs a interrupt protaction a working dispell protaction and mobility not bigger numbers on spells you get shut down on

Stupid changes as always u ruin pvp soo hard!!! my gosh

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I don’t see the holy priest’s pve tuning.

Is the holy priest the new blizzard’s scapegoat?

please buff arms warrior…buff the damage and the survival
everyone knows its lacking


Agreed. We need a size increase from Colossus of at least another 5%.

These things are important!



Please try to play Arms warr in any bracket … gl to you .