Class Tuning Incoming – 25 September

Its just shocking at this point to see all of this class tuning yet nothing for retribution paladin shameful

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A-tier in mythic raid. Skill issue.

They are so out of touch… the healers are actually running around /lol at people trying to kill them because they know they can’t die, the state of pvp has never been worse than right now…


It’s a shame really, because the content itself is OK, but given we see the content through our classes. It is essential that they are fun, otherwise it’s like playing a platform game with bad controls, no matter how good the level design, the controls will pollute the player experience.

This raid is quite fun, please make the classes fun so we can enjoy it more.


uhm, when was holy ever good?

kinda never and it will never change for m+ as they are garbage tier utility wise.

but i heard they are decent in raiding?

Sad day for rets yet again

this is already live
so it must of been hotfixed

Still no tuning to boomy defensives? Ok then.

Please just make demo warlock meta

So retribution is fine after Dawnlight nerf? Even your numbers prove you wrong. I am so fed up with Blizzard disregarding their customers even when the numbers prove that you overdid it with nerfs. And we have been shouting it since day 1 of the dawnlight nerf. Now that numbers are out FIX IT.

Warlock - still a punching bag for warriors in PVP


Can you please buff fury warriors 4 set?


This is hc for the last day. Stop cherrypicking data to prove your incorrect point. If you move it from all percentiles to 95th like yours ret is about 6% lower than the top which is excellent balance.

As usual you’re just having a rant because you’re not on top and it doesn’t prove they were overnerfed at all.

Be objective.

I posted Mythic Dps Rankings. You posted Heroic Dps rankings? And i am the one who cherrypicking to prove my point?

Heroic is more representative. More parses and all bosses have been killed.

Whats your well thought out reason for posting parses 6 days before the nerf when less tha 100 guilds had killled bosses and the sample will be heavily biased?

Lets keep this to the other thread where literally evetbody is tearing your terrible logic to pieces!

well if having a dialogue for you is “tearing my logic to pieces” then sorry I wont bother with biased and people who clearly defends Blizzard changes when numbers prove them wrong. Maybe you are working your way up to MVP in forums by licking some boots but I don’t care.

SL S1 vibes :'D

I´m not stupid, ofc I like the 20 % buff on Glacial Spike.
But compared to fire this is freaking strange what blizz is thinking.
Frost dmg is somewhat okej, but get buffed on one mandatory hard hitting spell. But when it comes to fire they´ve done just about Nothing !

You can´t buff something with 10-15 % that allready doing no dmg and expect that to make a different. This is so lame tbh … haha

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