Class Tuning Incoming – 26 July

Removing the spec would be a punch to the guts for many. I would be one of them. I love the spec I dont wanna let it go.

Ahahahahhahaha dude

SP will be fine, its a minor nerf that shifts our dmg profile with better prio dmg and better single target dps.

LOL yea that will fix everything…

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emm,why you buffing surv and mm hunt damage in pvp while they are already OVERBUFFED and doing pretty huge dps??? I mean BM has much lower damage and i would understand buffing BM but MM and surv??? Makes no sense, you just broking the balance again…

UPDATE - oh i see these buffs are not in pvp topic. It means it affected only for pve? New player here

The MM buff is just a minor aoe one, irrelevant for pvp…

Care to elaborate?

Balance Druid is the best spec in wow PvP atm so I don’t see what kind of arena you play to say it is not

Random skirmishes and solo shuffles. And it’s weaker than it was 1-2 years ago.

I can imagine there being some good synergies with some specific specs on high end play, but with randoms, it’s whatever.

So, the solution is just turning us into another generic dps spec then ? Actually had hope this wasn’t the route that was going to be taken, oh well, back to just playing preservation then.

If i wanted to dps i would have chosen a dps class.


Dude I was speaking in pvp, where outlaw is the worst spec since 2 season in a row and war the most op of all melee, isn’t it funny?

i appreciate that its easier to balance this, the more of its gain is damage then buffs. but what i dont appreciate is, that the thing that makes this a unique support style is beeing targeted. the further down you go this route the less interesting this support niche will feel to play and the people are gonna complain about it just beeing a bad dps with mediocre buffs. i would have prefered it to stick with the higher emphasis on buffs and support utility instead of the personal damage. i WANT to support my team and not be punished for taking over mechanics and enabling them as it would hurt my “own” damage. commit to the support style and dont degrade its spirit.

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It’s not only the damage. It’s the strong toolkit for M+. PI alone should never have found its way into the game.

May I ask what you smoked when you did the BRM nerfs? How about you look into guardian druid / veng dh, before you even consider touching / nerfing any other tank. SPECIALLY Guardian Druid.

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Its an overall buff without notes so applies in PvP.

You have notes like this when the buff for PvE.

nice prot paladin “buffs”. is today 1st april?

11.1.5 rogue will get its rework, just be patient xD


i will patiently wait in stealth :slight_smile:
maby pirate will be enjoyable to play again

And here I was happy playing shadow for the first time in a season, pushing keys etc, because my main warlock is utterly bad in m+, but hey. My problem as of now is not the nerf for shadow’s aoe, it’s the outliers like fmage and to an extent frost mage, alto that other one isn’t as godly, but it all comes down to the player. Some frost mages are very high in dps meters. But if all comes to play as it is, people will just ran fire+frost. I never understood why blizz can’t stop nerfing mid season. Why not just make the buffs, but stay away from nerfing until season is over? And then when it’s over, adjust overperfoming classes, and give fresh start for everyone in next season. It only makes confusion rn and other balance issues.

So a 60% nerf to psyhic link + the small buffs to spells that carry over the spread dmg, that’s like 50% overall nerf. I guess if my math is right, thats anything between 12-16k in dps. Depends on the player, key, etc. So can only go up. And all of that is still in most cases behind the fire mage. And this is big YIKES.

I could smell since introduction of the spec that it’s not fitting into the current m+ design.

You could carry an m+ group with evoker without even gaining ilvl. Buff was the only important thing. So I can understand the reasoning shifting to DPS as now augmentation players also need some kind of skill

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