In aoe is 33% but just for the link. In overall across a dungeon, is 5%. So it’s not that bad. Considering the utility provided (which people that are only interested in meters don’t take in consideration…because “oNlY dPs Is ImPorTaNt”, it won’t be enough to change the meta)
Profi´s Spielen Meta Klassen wird Genervt, Profi Spieler wechseln auf die Nächste Meta klasse juckt sie nicht.
Casual Spieler Spielen die selbe Klasse schon länger weil sie die Klasse schon vor dem Buff sehr geil finden freuen sich über einen Buff können mal höhere Keys wegen dem Buff laufen, schauen jetzt wieder in die Röhre weil Profi Spieler rumheulen weil es zu einfach wäre. [Mir geht es nicht um 10% sondern ums Prinzip]
Your math is impressively wrong.
you see only 2 dds in toplist. this classes was already very good. spiest is 1st class spec atm.
now explain me how aug can carry in m+???
most classes like ret have so garbage scaling that aug would be waste of slot.
Aug gives primaries and % damage amps though, which everyone scales with. The major factor for who to buff with aug is just which spec does the most damage in the buff window, there’s no interactions to consider or way in which some specs benefit more than others beyond just the amount of damage they do. Aug is just a % buff to what’s already there.
not. check ret scaling!
Augmentation won’t be incredibly broken but will probably still be brought instead of other classes because it helps both the healer and tank, which is still more group utility than what a handful of forgotten specs offer.
Augmentation won’t be incredibly broken but will probably still be brought instead of other classes because it helps both the healer and tank, which is still more group utility than what a handful of forgotten specs offer.
I hardly think so. because at the moment I only see 2 dds in the top list.
I can hardly imagine an even more embarrassing balance.
“BUFF” didn’t come to Fury Warrior, they just blinked. A complete disgrace…
disagree with shaman changes. Dispelling flameshock is the only thing allowing to keep group alive on bgs and healer’s skill was measured by how good they are at dispelling…now you leaving no choice but to die against elems on Rbg?
i appreciate that its easier to balance this, the more of its gain is damage then buffs. but what i dont appreciate is, that the thing that makes this a unique support style is beeing targeted. the further down you go this route the less interesting this support niche will feel to play and the people are gonna complain about it just beeing a bad dps with mediocre buffs. i would have prefered it to stick with the higher emphasis on buffs and support utility instead of the personal damage. i WANT to support my team and not be punished for taking over mechanics and enabling them as it would hurt my “own” damage. commit to the support style and dont degrade its spirit.
Removing the spec would be a punch to the guts for many. I would be one of them. I love the spec I dont wanna let it go.
I agree with you and many do as well.
However, you also have to agree that the way dungeons and raids are designed simply dont allow a support spec.
Either its OP, or totally useless. There are only 2 options. Thats what the game design forces Aug to be.
With that said, can you both agree that it would be unfair for both of you to make it a useless class, AND, it would be unfair for the rest of the 30+ specs to have Aug OP and required in every group?
So how do we fix this? We fix it by admitting that Aug is a SUPPORT role, NOT a DPS role. And design dungeons, raids, and classes accordingly.
For example: Removing utility from DDs, healers and tanks and giving it to support. Now your job is to buff allies and stun/CC mobs. And design dungeons/raids to be 1-1-1-3 and 2-2-2-6 respectively.
But while blizz sorts this out, its unfair for the rest of the 30+ specs to have Aug in such an OP state. And as I said before, and as PI and other buffs demonstrate for decades now, there is no way out.
On a different note, i oom’ed today as a prot paladin on underrot 3rd boss. Not healing others, just healing myself. It is completely unacceptable cause other tanks don’t have this issue. Remove the mana cost on Word of Glory or at least reduce it. This is like we went back to TBC prot again where mana was an issue.
You got guardian doing 200k AoE heals without any cost. You overnerfed Prot Paladin, just as you did Prot Warrior. Fix them.
Guess it was a nice try Blizzard but in reality people are not ready for a support spec in the same role as damage. They are not intelligent enough to split it apart. Either people hate on you for doing too little damage only to have people hate on you for giving others too much of a damage increase.
Your solution: Nerf the support of the support spec and buff the personal damage of the spec. That is not a solution to a SUPPORT spec that is legit just making it into a DPS spec. I know people are saying that aug is too overpowered and I to a degree agree on that statement. But the solution is not to make them stronger with personal damage while reducing the support capability.
Even with these nerfs haters are still going to hate the low damage for those that cant ready beyond just the damage meter and are still going to get hated buffing others damage too much. In raids I get whisper flamed if I don’t buff a person that feels like they are entitled to a buff.
These complaints will continue and Blizzard will continue to nerf the support part of the build till it’s completely just a generic DPS spec. This is only the beginning.
Augmentation won’t be incredibly broken but will probably still be brought instead of other classes because it helps both the healer and tank, which is still more group utility than what a handful of forgotten specs offer.
Aug only 7-8% overall nerf, still will be meta for rest of s2
I agree with the path this is going Blizzard will have turned it into a generic DPS spec before they have the time to make a support role.
more like a 56% nerf as a support spec.
a 50% buff as a generic DPS spec. so your estimated 7-8% is accurate as an overall nerf.
But this is what is having me confused. Are we a support spec or a generic dps spec? for where this is going I will not be able to tell us apart.
But this is what is having me confused. Are we a support spec or a generic dps spec? for where this is going I will not be able to tell us apart.
It’s going from an 80/20 split to a 70/30 one. It’s still more a support spec than any support spec in any other MMO by a long shot.
Even if it had been released at 70/30 you wouldn’t even bat an eye.
oh hey more Priest AoE nerfs!
But where’s the mage nerfs?
I don’t understand why i’m reading any other words in this post, there shouldnt be anything else written in here BUT mage nerfs. This “reworked” class came and ruined the progress in higher keystones.
- Restoration
- All healing increased by 5%.
- The range of Restorative Mists heals from Ascendance is now 40 yards (was 20 yards). The initial burst healing from Ascendance remains at 20 yards.
Blizzard still think increasing 5% to shaman heals will fix this class, how about adjusting the amount of heals for these abilities ? “Wellspring” and “Downpour” ? so on my evoker i can heal over 50k on 2 different abilities but on the shaman almost last 2 points of talent heals for 18k? 30k? Wellspring should heal atleast 60k with 440ilvl and applies 30% shield when using “Unleash life” and “Downpour” should heal minimum of 40k+ on similar ilvl. Give shaman his windfury totem back so we can combo with melee groups instead of playing spriest/mage/aug forever this season…