Class Tuning Incoming – 6 December

Let’s hope the crybabies to SHUT IT now that DH got nerfed, but that’s not going to happen, unless we get 5 more class tuning nerfing the class to be unplayable like in season 2 :smiley:

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I’ve yet to see a single person actually crunch the numbers and say that x class/spec needs to have x, y & z values changes to put them in line with everyone else.

So far, it’s people complaining “why nerf me??” and we see because of the meta placements of classes in high keys. Making these nerfs suck, but I HIGHLY expect those people who are opening their mouths and acting like their mother has taken away their favourite touchie touchie sock, never even did high tier keys (unless they paid for someone to boost them).

I expect we’ll see further changes nerfs/buffs/nothing to classes next week, which again WW monks will throw a tantrum about.

Anyway back to sleep peace

How about buffing renew so it’s actually worth casting? It’s just a way to get the proc currently. At ilvl 473 it heals for 34k over 15 seconds, that’s pitiful when it’s not even triggering echo of light.


so there is no warrior changes at all for pve side of things.

are you really happy with fury is performing in m+? there is 0 reason to invite a fury over a DH, DK or any other melee spec. we dont bring lust, we dont bring brez we dont bring superior dmg. why would i as a keyholder invite a fury?


Fury is middle of the pack now, without legendary. You want what? Warrior to be OP so you can have something even better with the legendary. I swear some people don’t even think before talking

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Depends on the effect. Is dh is still outperforming every other class in m+. I’ll be back but for now I’m happy they got deserved nerfs. If you couldn’t predict the nerfs you played your dh wrong. Skill issue

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i dont want a spec to be tuned around a legendary that i will most likely never see drop. should i be mediocre and benched all of season until i maybe get lucky with the legendary?

i want that fury has something that makes the keyhold say, “hmm i could use a fury warrior now in my grp”
but that is not the case ever. cause we dont bring top dps and we dont bring any utility.

apparently you didnt think before you talk.


Apparently you still don’t understand what middle of the pack is.
Bringing utility is not a buff, it’s a rework. They can’t really buff an ability to bring utility. Also as a warrior you are pretty much immortal in terms of defensives, and dps wise again, you as fury are the fifth melee. So buff for what? To be first?

And the fact that it’s a legendary in game, and you won’t see for the next 3 weeks or so, until you grab enough bad luck protection for it to drop (as it drops pretty frequently), that’s a problem for yourself, not as a class. That legendary is part of the game, and brings some damage, so you say it would be fair for you to be top dps without legendary, and even better with the legendary. Nice logic.

Edit: I would’ve understand if you were crying for the state of protection warrior, which is one of the last tanks at this point, and has been for a while. But you chose to cry about a spec that actually performs above most of the dpses right now. And everybody knows: Under 20, you can play the worst spec, and still perform better than the others in the party, because there aren’t the brightest players there. Also, you cry for damage, but you still lack items.

you dont understand a single thing about fury.

it does mot matter if we are tanky. cause if we survive the other 2 dps die. being tanky as a dps is in no metric a defining factor that gets you invited into keys.

just because there is a legendary doesnt mean i have to suffer until i get it. either fury is among the top dps or we need utility. otherwise i can just grab a dps with brez, one with lust and a DH. cause DH is top dps.

and there is no need to keep the discussion up with you because we are pretty much both set on our opinion. so from now on i will not be responding to you. you keep your opinion and i keep mine. have a nice weekend


I said on a post that IMMO should be nerfed dude, when mage was outperforming by far everything on season 2 u were crying like u did for DH ? What about the part “ill be back” ? U stoped playin coz of one class or youll be back crying on forums like a 6yo kid ? Skill and crybaby issue :clown_face:

More like stating facts. The one who is crying is you ;).

As I said. If you played your class correctly you should have expected the nerf. DH tears are kind of delicious

Did you even watched what i typed dude ?

No one is crying since many DH’s said that we should be tuned down
“DH tears are kind of delicius” ? Grow up dude and stop being delusional or get some pills idk :clown_face:

I just noticed your uwu name. Was wrong to reply to you xD


What does the name have to do with what i wrote dude ? Delusional at its finest

As destro I approve these changes. Having an rng ltierset feels better when it acctually does good dmg when it pops!

What is this tuning, once again elemental shaman is left in the dark. Blizzard hate list forever. Do some tuning so the spec becomes viable again.


I mean, numbers are out.

Havoc does 20% more damage than anything else and gets nerfed by 5% in AOE. This is literally the same as when they nerfed Warlock 5% in Shadowlands season 3-4, completely pointless nerf, way more needs to be done to bring it in line as it is currently completely busted and pretty much mandatory.

Assassination nerf is warranted, 5% in single target and around 2-3% in AOE, i wished they offset a bit the AOE loss but i guess it’s still decent damage wise in keys.

Augmentation is STILL the strongest spec to bring in keys, STILL mandatory in every type of content, and it received no nerfs even after Blizzard allegedly stated that they were looking to make it not mandatory. Breaking news, everyone is playing it, and in capable hands it’s still topping damage.

BM hunter also somewhat warranted nerf, but it’s not like it was ever a contender to DH in M+, so whatever on that front i guess.

Bottom line, feels like this is shaping up like another garbage season like last one, albeit with 2 mandatory specs rather than 3 on the dps department, but still, a terrible way to throw out all the good effort done with tuning and reworks for the other 30 something specss that are not Havocs or Augmentation. Hopefully they review these nerfs before they hit live and decide to go with ACTUAL nerf that do something to make the meta a bit more varied instead of fake nerfs to appease the masses that literally change nothing in the balance of things.

Where is Warriors buff?

Y’all really do not want community perception of MW to ever change, huh?

Not even 3 weeks in the “quite good” tier, blam, mediocre again :pensive:

Please at least tell me you won’t keep nerfing the spec? It’s probably going from S to A tier with these changes, could you please just leave it there and not slap it all the way down to D where it usually lives?


Name says alot about the player on the keyboard.