Class Tuning Incoming – 6 December

MM hunter buffs where??? WHERE??? The spec has been broken for a long time now.

How about spending those 5 neurons you put into nerfing BM, into remaking/buffing MM instead so its not a broken spec anymore?

This company… Seriously.

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Wow Blizzard Big Clap for u guys…How much Nerves more on Hunter! U Destroy the Hunter…Big Clap

This is a Joke 30% kill command Nerf… Idk …

You guys must be joking.

Monks receive the biggest nerfs PvP wise from all, hey cool. After Castweavers being dead for the entire last season, we had brillant 2 weeks of being good. Just because you guys are too incompetent to see that Fistweaver in general shouldnt be a thing at all and now you are too mentally limited to differ between the playstyles and stomp both into the ground.

Good job, really.

If I would work as the PvP developers at Blizzard do, I would be jobless within 2 weeks.


Why do you think fire mage was meta for season 2 (rather than one of the other mage specs)? Because it’s the only one that has a cheat death to help it stay alive. They all did similar damage.

Good to see some balancing going on.

Destro/affi buffs when?

30% nerf to the kill commands from your 4 set bonus, which are like 10-12% of your damage. .

Its a 3-4% nerf. Calm down.

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Im neither annoyed nor pleased my friend. I said what made little sense on the surface of it, but then check the addition at the end.

But hey why am I talking to a lv 22 no doubt being used by someone to hide their actual main

You both got nerfed by the same amount, maybe assa 1% less.

Again, this was talking on the surface of it, looking at the 15% vs 30%, but then I added

Which is acknowledging that the changes to BM were not as far reaching.

:shrug: Not like I main any of the top dps. I may use it as a forum profile and as an alt, but not a main.

Destro and affli say hi, you could’ve done a 60% dmg increase on both and they’d still both be garbanzo compared to boring demo lock (even tho destro is somewhat ok in ST and on council where you can havoc but in M+ you do absolutely jack :poop: ).

6% ability damage increase for Windwalker is so boring, and absolutely not enough, It’s always the same, we either get ignored for forever, or we get a one line in the patch notes saying ‘‘all damage increased by x%’’ it’s just plain lazy and never enough.

At least they didn’t totally forget us this time, I guess that’s something, but I don’t think it will change anything, we’ll still be bottom.


I guess it feels fair with 4 tier bonus nerf for bm hunter, i’ve been able to (shortly) do 1000k dps on certain lust megapulls, but outside of that i’m pretty much on par with many other dps specs that play well with about the same ilvl I think.

You need to BUFF the other healers do not nerf the ones actually playing and doing well.
Healing is HORRIBLE enough. Stop nerfing and instead bring other healers to their level. Talking about PvP


MW was totally OP. I mean not so much that we were stacked like priests, rogues and hunters. Or mandatory like a warlock portal, or paladins with a million immunities to soak everything. Or place a totem that equalizes everyone’s HP so nobody dies during a damage phase.
But if one bar is longer than the others then obviously it’s OP. Because at the end of the day healer balance in WoW is totally just about how long your bar on warcraftlogs is.

Cheat death is a utility you know that right ? Being plate and tanky doesnt make me not die to a 1 shot mechanic while passives like cheat death prevents that and gives you time to recover.
Atm you either bring huge damage to get invited to keys or bring proper utility ( and weirdly those utility classes also deal good damage ) . I wouldnt invite a fury instead of a dh or outlaw / assa. It’s actually funny when even your fear which we dont take anymore btw is 5 target capped and useless while every other spec has similar ability has same exact ability without this heavy restrictions.
I would rather trade my plate armor type for a cheat death , cr or proper cc. While bringing 0 utility also dealing extremely mediocre damage doesnt help. Also rallying cry even before the nerf compared to shadowlands version was a joke of an ability and now they nerfed it even more.
As a warrior main , even i dont invite warrior dps while i’m on an alt.

“Buffing” Destro and Affly by laughable 6% instead of overhauling them is a joke (same goes to WW monk) and nerfing resto druid is a spit in the face for decent players or rather groups who play perfectly where the healer doesn’t have to heal THAT much, cause they know what to dodge and avoid and what a “Self Cooldown” is, aswell as Heal potions and/or Healthstones.

Nerfing BM hunter and DH by 5-10%, while there is a 25% difference in dps for Mythic+ dungeons between them and normal specializations shows that the Blizzard class balancing team isn’t doing their job once again. Please check warcraftlogs for results in Mythic+ stop nerfing every 1-2 weeks small margins and start balancing right away, everytime you lose your playerbase because of the wait game that your balancing team pulls every season.

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That 6% “buff” to Windwalker does absolutely nothing.

The spec will still be doing trash tier damage in both M+ and on ST fights. It will still be passed over for virtually every other dps spec in the game because the damage is awful and it brings absolutely no useful utility to any composition in either M+ or raids.

I really don’t know why I held out hope that WW was going to see some meaningful changes after being passed over completely in the last “balance” patch. I should have known better.

The only real change we have actually received is a reskin of an ability that we have quite unanimously told you repeatedly we absolutely do not want as part of our kit. So great job there.

You might as well just remove WW from the game at this point. You have spent more time developing microtransactions and WoW token changes than you have done on a spec that has been in dire need of attention for years.

Awful developers, awful balance team, awful company.

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