Class Tuning Incoming – 6 December

Really? Many characters with Augmentation won’t do as much damage as DH Havoc. This is ridiculous. This ruins not only the balance but the point of existence of other classes, it ruins the idea of M+, it ruins the idea of playing together because all you need is a tank, heal and 3 x dh.
When Augmentaion appeared, everyone shouted about removing this specialization because it destroyed the game and forever deprived all other classes that are not in the meta of a place in dungeons.
So now we have a version of Havoc that beats the first version of Augumenation and is that good? Well, definitely not.

I pay the same money for the game and spend more time than my friends, but I am worse in terms of usability and performance only because I chose DK (or survival hunter), and my friend who came back to the game since Shadowlands plays DH and is now 2-3 times better. It’s absurd, it’s just as absurd that I have to really try and click a lot to get anything, while He laughs that he clicks just about anything and that’s enough.

what a broken game. the level of absurdity is constantly being taken to a higher level - systematically. bb

Here I saw a survival hunter doing better than a havoc demon hunter.

When you say “click” do you mean mouse over the action bar and click a spell then move the mouse over another spell and click that spell?

Meta is not defined by the numbers, it’s defined by what and top 1% say.

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So your proof is a +17 key, where there are people still doing under 100k overall? Where people still don’t know that they can interrupt stuff or cc? I recall going in S4 of SL as arcane mage (last in tier in that season) and ruining dreams for any destro or survival hunter in my path.

I have no idea what to do as a healer, and I healed 20 this season already. This is the level of complexity entitled people asked. Things that are too easy for the reward. And now we use 17s to compare the classes. What’s next? Going and see logs for LFR to see what needs balance?

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+17 key…are you seriously writing this?

Rank 1 DPS: Havoc,Aug,Havoc.

Where is Surivival?
I assure you, you won’t find any in the top 100, but Havoc, BM, Assa or Outalw, Aug, there are quite a lot of them here.


it was not a damage rebalance, i.e. a transfer from the Gargoyle and Army to other sources of damage, but a simple nerf.
However, you had to lie to DK, as usual, because your explanation was based on the improvement of damage outside the window, while maintaining the same or similar level of course - as everyone can see.

Neither in the raid, nor even in M+, single target damage has not changed a bit. You literally did nothing about it.
All you did was improve DK damage (frost and unholy) on 4 targets BUT every 45 seconds.
Shame on you.

in conclusion; for M+ you haven’t changed anything in terms of single target, and in the raid environment - you have reduced our damage to Army and Gargoyle by 30%.
All buffs for Unholy so far are to fill the hole left by the previous set bonus, which increased all our damage by 20%, as well as death coil and epidemic.
Shame on you.

We could have used the virulent plague buff in pvp but alright. Anyhow where’s the buff to Anti Magic Shell??

Hello, you had beta and a lot of test servers. This is the product you’ve offered me, so I spent my money and returned to the game. I’ve spent my time and effort to catch-up with players who’s been playing since DF release while under a lot of stress and stuff to learn. Now finally I reached a stable ground where I can start building fun and youare telling me that this product is rotten because of the class I’ve picked to play, therefore we will destroy it for the good of others. So I just refunded war-within. Keep going with this mentality and I’ll refund my sub aswell just because you stuff paid to tune these spells and dungeons doesn’t do their job right or they need to do it rightr now.

Now this reads like a brainshart to me.

People will always use whatever minor sheet they can get their hands on, trying to turn it into something big surprise to support their narrative.

Whats the intention for DH nerf? Looks like you want do bring an end to Momentum again, so why not finally remove this build compeletly? Its obvious that you are unable to balance this spec because of its nature. Either its super strong or noone plays it.

If you wanted to nerf the AoE dps, why not just cap Ragefire to 5 targets, since its damage increases eyponentially per target? Instead you nerf Imo Aura hard, which is surprisingly used by other builds too, that now also suffer, especially at singletarget dps.
That “bug” that made Imo Aura not trigger a GCD was the only reason why it performed on par with other talent choices. Thanks for nothing.

Btw Feral still sucks, pay him some attention please.

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well when you pretty much said that you are “a clicker” not a button presser, i thought that this would be a good thing to compare, for you!

Thought it might motivate you to try harder than that friend you spoke of.

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