Class Tuning Incoming - 11 April

That’ll take a while longer, to put it mildly.

This is why they’re getting nerfed:


…and which spec/class was in that spot previously? There’s a lot of us that PvP that don’t do rated or solo shuffle. It seems paradoxical that fury warriors, 'locks, rogues et al have been op since forever, but somehow escape the nerf bat and ret gets 5 minutes in the sun and receives dozens of nerfs post-haste, some within a handful of days of getting buffed, after being garbage for multiple seasons.

They should be balancing with a scalpel, not a hatchet and a flamethrower.


Yes please give us some love for m+. We are all strugelying to get invited on m+ group do to the lack of utility as a warrior.

That high? None.

And not only is ret very high, it’s even bending the meta so that warriors, hunters, shamans, and monks are too high because they work well with rets. They’re destroying the whole game.

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The game shouldn’t be balanced around a niche activity like solo shuffle. Where are ret in rated 3v3? I only counted 1 in the top 10. If it’s so op in any PvP activity other than solo, why isn’t the rated leaderboard full of rets?

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I’m aware of that.

Did you choose to ignore the first part of my post where I discuss how quickly the nerf came in comparison to say, evoker running wild for months or what?

I’ve been Shaman main since 2009 other than the months at the start of this expansion where you couldn’t get a raid or M+ invite.

If you’re going to be a know it all can you start by saying something smart?


BM hunter is literally middle of the pack for raid damage.
I see absolutely no need for further 3% across the board nerf.

You’re just annoying hunters who are trying to get CE at this point…

It’s clear now that you missed the mark by a mile when it comes to hunter tuning but c’mon was a third nerf in less than a month really needed?

Also how do you not nerf ret at this point? It’s objectively better than hunters at everything and yet it’s again left unchanged for PvE.

:clown_face: company.

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Sad BM hunter noises :frowning:

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See you in S2, hope the tuning team wakes up and smells the coffee until then

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It’s the most popular form of PvP.

Besides, it’s the same in 3v3:

2v2 is quite niche however, and this is where ret paladins aren’t doing well. Rogues are wrecking that up. Their insane healing reduction is reducing Paladins to ash.

The nerfs are PvP focused and make no difference to PvE.

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It’s hardly fun to play the affli lock at the moment. the constant downgrading to an F tier in M+ gets on my nerves. I often wait over an hour to be picked up in m+. I’m considering stopping with wow.
As soon as he has done reasonable damage, it is taken away from him.
Please look at the affli lock again

I do not think you’re monitoring classes correctly. There’s a lot of classes who could use a nerf and there’s a lot of classes who could use a buff.

  • You have a retribution paladin running rampant in PvP. The issue with them is that they are good at everything. They can heal, they can do a ton of damage even after the nerf and they are mobile. Before you nerf any class, this one should be at the top of the list.
  • You have hunters with 150k kill shots and outrageous damage.
  • Frost mage seems to be overperforming too.
  • Everybody is apparently complaining about (Mist)fistweaver monk. The only thing that can kill them right now is ret paladin.
  • Holy paladin is horrible to play right now. It’s as if you guys are forcing holy paladin into ranged, while it’s always been about being in melee range. It needs some significant work.
  • Fire mage is in poor state, even worse in 10.1. The crit nerfs will impact that spec directly. Global damage should be buffed.
  • Enhancement shaman, one of the least played specs in the game on high rating in pvp as far as I know.
  • Death Knight are in a very poor state right now. Incoming buffs might help with that, but I doubt that very much.
  • Healers aren’t a fun spec to play right now in PvP. And in PvE they are apparently being replaced entirely by tanks and 4 dps.

I could go on and on with a list. I’m not rooting for a spec in specific here. I want every spec to have a fair and fighting chance. Isn’t this the expansion where you should be playing what you enjoy? There will always be a meta, but a spec should still feel good to play. If your spec is poorly maintained or done dirty by talent trees, or if your spec is made useless because another spec is simply waltzing over them in every arena… then that’s no longer fun.

I urge you to fix it.

Hey you don’t have the problem, that all your specs are bad in M+, play destro or demo dude

Why did you even bother?

I mean, you already said it. You re-subbed and probably bought a boost as well.

GG EZ by Activision haha

i dont want to play a different spec. i love affli very much. I don’t want Blizzard to tell me what to play

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From a fairly new player’s perspective all of these seem terrible changes. Other than the nerfs to Ret PvP, I’m not happy with any of the others. Why would you even touch survival hunter?

Of course the throughput is lower when the signature healing options of Preservation gets smacked with a wrecking ball.
How was this not found in the PTR?

Reducing the targets affected by the resonating sphere also nerfed the 4P set bonus which scales depending on how many people have reversion on them.

Meanwhile Ouroboros seems designed around the next season’s tier bonuses that are not currently available

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