Class Tuning Incoming -- 14 December

Then why did you say well done for doing it? You do not have any experince yourself so you can not comment and stop avoiding the problem about lack of tanks . I am having a go at you because you are clueless and only think about yourself and how you look in blizzard eyes congrats them on nerfs.

I commened Blizzard’s designers for being quick with the balance changes, which is historically not something they’ve always been in the wake of a new expansion. And then I commended them for also making frequent balance changes so far, which is also not something they’ve always done.
I give credit where credit is due.
And then I approve of the general direction of the changes to tanking and self-healing. I’m not sure if the changes will hit the sweet-spot of perfect balance, but if you’ve read the community discussions in the past week, then these areas have been a point of general complaining and criticism as far as balance goes. And I’m siding with the general community on these matters, because the evidence seem favorable to there being some imbalance, like the video I linked above illustrates nicely.

So therefore.


Our solution to the dwindling tank problem, to help more people try the role of tank we have nerfed them. Lmao

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He massively outgears that dungeon you do understand that right?

I can see that because i doubt you have ever tanked anything above a normal and have no clue what it is like.

The 4% of player base that use the forums and 4 whine threads about tanks yeah sure speaks for all …


Great job on getting more players to play a tank :-1: :north_korea:


No. Making tanks overpowered was not an attempt to increase the tank population in the first place, because it was never intended that they should be overpowered. If more people chose to play tank as a consequence, then that’s just a side-effect of the general player trend of playing FotM specs.

These changes are just for the sake of balance.
If Blizzard wants to make tanks a more popular player choice, then that has to happen through better design in general, not through suspending class balance in favor of making tanks overpowered.

Go tell them that they’re all wrong then. Have at it.
I mean, if your point is that I’m personally wrong because my credentials aren’t up to scratch, then luckily for me there are lots of other forum posters who share my position on this matter. Go tell all of them that they’re also clueless and noobs. See if that will sway the hand of Blizzard’s designers in the end. I doubt it.


You are wrong and very clueless and still avoiding the problem that this will push even more tanks away but carry on saying gj blizz :slight_smile:

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What a load of rubbish.


Guardian nerfs in pvp were sorely needed. Thank you for this. Prot pally’s survival came from World of Glory spam, so gutting this will hurt them quite a bit I imagine, as well as the cooldown increase on Forgotten Queen. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about that one yet.
I bet fire mages are rejoicing. While I don’t play that spec, I did find it a bit unfair combustion, their primary offensive cooldown could be taken from them.
Warrior and DH taking a hit I’m also thankful for. Some ups and downs in these changes that’s for sure, but overall good ones I think.


this all is not a fix either way and if tanks quit that just prove it.

a tank wants to be the important chad, not the useful tool.

First of all, I cannot be wrong on this matter.
Blizzard are nerfing tanks. I say good job. That’s just my opinion. An opinion cannot be wrong. You may not like it, and you may not approve of Blizzard’s nerfs, but that doesn’t make me approving of Blizzard wrong.

It’s like me saying that I like cake and you telling me that I am wrong. That does not compute.

Secondly, as I have already told you, then it doesn’t really work to say that I am clueless when lots of other forum posters hold the same opinion I do about tanks being overpowered. If I am clueless on the matter, then logic would dictate that everyone who shares my opinion are also clueless. But if you’re throwing out a sweeping accusation that a huge portion of the vocal playerbase are clueless about something, then you need to back that accusation up with more than personal insults. And you haven’t done that so far, so forgive me for not attributing much merit to your position on the matter. You claim authority on the matter, but you don’t demonstrate it. That’s poor performance on your part, rhetorically speaking. Again, no offense intended.

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how about sticking to the subject instead of just throwing rotten eggs around

what is your solution to the obvious problems

4% of the playerbase use forums and there has been 4 or 5 posts about it so no not a huge vocal about it.

You will not say that if and when you want one and there is already a huge shortage.

Yes they are because all the whine is about tanks that are overgeared already running normals and also the most spam is about leveling dungeons when scaleing is wrong it goes to show you have nothing to back up your comments and still avoiding questions.


God dammit. Watching people killing themselves while i do pretty much nothing was really fun.

Me?! I’m not a Blizzard designer. I don’t get paid to solve the game’s problems. I just post on the forums. And now I’m on my way to bed! :crazy_face:

But more than yours truly. Hence the point that it doesn’t work to just discredit a single person when an opinion is shared by a multitude of people.

I will. What now, are you also going to dictate what I say in the future?! This is silly. I have my opinion and I am entitled to it. You don’t get to say whether my opinion is changed in the future. I get to say that. That’s my prerogative, because it’s my opinion. You have your opinion and you can do whatever the hell you want with that. But don’t touch my opinion, okay?

Okay. I’m not sure what my part is in this anymore. If you feel you have convincingly established that nerfing tanks is wrong, then I guess you just wait and hope that Blizzard will revert the changes based on your reasoning.
I wish you luck with that, even if I disagree with the evaluation.
Thanks for the chat. :wave:

Is it me, or did Demon Hunter Tanks get nerfed more than the others ?

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Nah. You last one who needed to answer. You got it already.

Nah, all those flat 10% dmg reduction traits other classes have were added during SL when they realized that DH tank had some bug which made them stronger.

No I was on about this on top of the tank nerf.

I understand on Havoc, but on vengeance too ?

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Warr already had nerf on ignore pain i think. I am guessing that they used data from m0 runs.

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