Class Tuning Incoming -- 14 December

I really dislike this change
In passed two weeks I have had more fun as a tank then I have in years.
Yes I do fill op in dungeons and solo content but I still have to rely on Healers and DPS
This change simply serves as a way to push me over to my healer and off my beloved warrior.


This is hilarious, for the first time I actually have fun as a tank instead of feeling anxious panic trying to clasp every single point of rage a dump it into ignore pain and it barely lasts a week


where is monk nerf? where is rogue nerf? why u nerf TANKS??? WHAT ARE U THINKING LET TANKS HAVE FUN


Jsut my two cents:

  • It doesn’t matter if tanks can solo pulls or bosses because it takes ages and that won’t cut it in M+. For example: most tanks where able to solo Hyrja on HoV but you didn’t see it often because it was basically a broken key (it was faster to wipe and restart the boss most times).
  • If you still think soloing is a problem nerf auto-healing/absorbs and not DR - otherwise you risk tanks getting destroyed when actual difficult content gets released. Mythic 0 dungeons are a joke.

Nerf them more, anything that stops the absolute cancer that has been dominating dungeons is good in my book.

I’m tired of chasing the tank like a slave while dealing with all of the collateral damage.


Sure dude, nerf them to the ground, until the healer needs to stop and grab a drink every 2 or 3 pulls


Or we can get some balance. Why does it have to be one extreme or another?


That’s okay tbh. Prot feels incredibly strong since launch, especially in early mythics where i definitely should have taken a lot more damage.

Though i don’t want to see further nerfs after this cause m+ (in the first few weeks) is not going to be that easy


So what you’re saying is you’re slow

Where are the ret PvE single target nur buffs?!?!?

Yes, there have been threads already about tanks being so powerful they don’t even need a group with them.

Group content should be balanced for everyone to be useful there. It’s not a one man army.

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I would’ve expected some walkbacks on the previous DK nerfs as DS became completely irrelevant in any type of PvP content, guess I was wrong. Glad that I can sacrifice my dmg output to heal between 20 to 30k.

Anyways, I feel like most of this tuning pass is pretty good. Tanks needed the nerf, especially Guardian druids. Nobody enjoys playing against tanks, it’s only fun for them.

Finally we can see some Havoc nerfs, very well deserved. They had insane sustain and huge dmg. Now maybe it will get back in line with the others.

Sh priest nerfs are also on spot. SH imo feels really strong and good to play as, their survivability was a bit too much tho.

Well deserved nerfs on Rogue, I still think their heal will be a bit too much, but atleast they started to walk on the good path.

Warlock got some well deserved nerfs aswell, they are extremely tanky and the amount of dmg they can manage to take and survive was absolutely ridicoulos. I feel like with this nerf, they might be in the spot where we want it to be.

Nice nerfs to warrs, they had too much healing with the dmg they had.

Overall this was a pretty good balance tune, especially compared to the last one.

Go do some content as a main tank soec and then come back talkin ! Since then you have no idea ehat are you talking about,just some random “bla bla”

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While we’re thrilled that players are enjoying playing tanks in Dragonflight and want the role to be healthy, there are some negative effects that can come from tanks being too strong, that we want to avoid.

Like what? Are you afraid that players would actually want to play tanks more? Tanks are already least played and most unrewarding role in this game so why not make them powerful to draw people in?


Man I was enjoying so much my little paladin tank alt. It was actually fun to tank dungs for ppl so I played a lot of dungs even if i dont need a gear at this point just because it was fun feeling so powerful :). Welp 10% doesnt seem to be a lot but shave 10% from each avoidance stat and it may be pretty nasty…

Blizzard is at its best when it comes to killing fun. Still waiting for warlock nerfs because they come for 100%…So I need to enjoy my warlock as much as possible before the nerf hammer drops.

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The problem is that not all tanks are equal. A 10% damage taken increase on for example warrior would not be the same as a monk. This goes for all tanks. So nerfing them all by 10% (except for warrior which is by far the strongest also) makes no sense.

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You stated that you’ve done recent testing. Could you provide more details regarding this;

  • What key range was the testing done? (was it on an M0 or a +10 +15 +20? )
  • what tanks were they involved in the testing?
    Cause with the heavy magic damage profile of these dungeons some tanks are gonna fall behind and they’re gonna have a really hard time surviving certain tyranical bosses and mobs.

Why as a tank should choose to cover a hard role and stay back, chill and dps. This change might affect the tank popularity and numbers but I’m sure you’ve done some research before takign these decisions.


Incorrect. Diminishing return. 18 mobs will do much more damage than 20 now.
That means tank will die more often now, you will die more often, more keys will be depleted :blush: and with a timer ticking down you really can’t pull 5 mobs at the time. Plus boss mechanics that might not have killed the tank prior now might kill them.

And why the prot warrior has been given the less nerf???


While I understand why this changecis done it will be up to debate on how each individual tank spec will handle this.

I am mainly concerned about monks since throughout this past two weeks I can count the amount of times on one hand where I had my stagger bar go over yellow. Dungeons have a lot of magic damage thrown about which basically negates one of the big selling point of the spec: consistent, predictable drops with less big spikes for the healers to heal back up.

We did get a buff to our HP pool and to celestial brew, which likely will end up balancing this nerf out, but I hope this will not just cause a large skill gap to from between a good and a mediocre brewmaster, as that will just scare away players from playing the spec itself.

Time will tell, I guess, but it may have been better to make individual changes instead of a blanket nerf.

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this company :rofl: now healer dont f. cry! if you need to spend your mana. Nerfing the least played class in the game.