demo got 3% baby buff
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGooooooooooood update.
ret pala buff.
tank druid buff.
huntel buff.
as a main pala player i realy felt that tempelar verdict is not doing the damage that it should . and we take so much damage as a plater in pvp like what was hapening in Df again
Thats a bit of an understatement, its bin garbage bad F tier low
Pls consider more buffs too the hybrid playstyle with rushing wind kick, its so much fun but mastery gor nerft hard and it wont work without it
Buff balance Druids, aren’t they have 100% pick rate in top 100 m+ runs, aren’t they dominate in m+ for already lots season in a row? And just slight buffs or even nerfs to some decent/below mid classes.
What are you smoking there in California? I want also to try this.
MW nerf is more than laughable. Buffing already dominating classes while underperfomers get close to zero buffs. Blizz are so clueless is not even funny.
All nice.
But what we need is a higher chance of Lava Surge, and for it to not cost a GCD. That is what we need.
And ideally, remove the mana cost of offensive spells. Make them give mana instead.
That is the quick fix. Ideally I would like a talent that synergyzes damage and healing. Like MW and DPriest have.
Something along the lines of: after 3 heals you get 1 free off GCD offensive spell that returns mana. And vice-versa.
I would like to give credit, when credit is due.
Even though we got all this lot of whiners here (myself included), please continue to do weekly tunings like this.
Dont stop. Dont let us be 3 months with a stale meta.
A 3% buff/nerf to some specs might seem small. But if you do it every week eventually you will get closer and closer to a perfect balance. And the meta will never be stale.
Thanks. Keep up the good work. Just do SOMETHING every week please. Dond abandon us untill S3…
FINALLY… Thank you…
Can we remove primo wave preq from primo storm? Its so stupid to lock behind a skill to another skills, which requires 2 gcd to prepare lol.
From someone whom players all the classes in pvp to a half decent level ( 1800- 2100 )
you are missing the point on DK and Aug Evoker
DK needs way more than a 5% buff to bloodforged
- it needs Death strike healing to be buffed or changed to apply a slight range (10-15 range)
- life siphon could replace death strike as a pvp talent ? ( the WoD ranged healing spell )
AUG evoker:
- in pvp it needs more than its one shot ability
- an idea would be treat it like a DESTRO warlock, make Eruptions proc more often or reduce its cast time in pvp
- again this could be a pvp talent that applys mortal strike effect
Healers have way more low dmg compared to tanks and dps. Bring back MW dps and buff dps others healers. Why MW get nerfed? Its bad
Assassination buffs make it so Mutilate/Ambush talents are more valuable than “from stealth/after leaving stealth” talents. GOOD. Mutilate in particular needed to be more chunky, and this is a very good change that doesn’t highly impact overall damage, but makes Assa more healthy in terms of function.
Prot paladins are fine, DH did get a nerf (small), while colossus warrior was out performing some dps on overall dungeon damage despite being a face roll beginner tank.
i already have hard time to keeping the steps with others in aoe situations and yet they nerfing the entire spec, meanwhile they buffing the slicing wind that nobody takes. Could we get some QoL aoe balance?
Really 20% increase to Templars Verdict(3-4% ST overall increase)? Sure sounds a lot but our single target vas very low to start with. Need some more impactful change to our ST buff the Hammer of light main target damage done or something.
Oh come ooon now . At least no pvp nerfs for my baby Prot.
Holy priest will stay trash tier, even with this up.
Devs still doesn’t get it. You don’t fix holy priest by giving it more healing. That’s not the problem. The spec is broken mechanically.
The talent tree is the problem. It’s locked into one boring build and everything else is out of reach. You can’t move points around. You can’t make your own playstyle. It’s a dead tree.
Lightwell buffed ok cool but here’s the thing. You can’t even use it because if you do you’ll brick the only build holy has. It should be baseline not stuck behind a talent like some weird bonus. This is lazy design. The whole point of Lightwell is to give holy some real utility. it’s buried in the talent tree where it’s out of reach for most players because you can’t reallocate points. You can’t even put points into it without ruining the only build that works.
All Blizzard does is change numbers. More healing, less damage, whatever. No actual design. No creativity. Just lazy tuning.
Holy priest could be amazing again. Right now it’s just a stat stick with no soul.
Nothing being done about DK’s actual problems… seriously Gorefiend’s grasp used to be baseline & a core part of Death Knight utility, 45 sec cooldown, group pull, amazing in dungeons and raid scenarios. It was clean, useful, made DKs stand out. Now it’s shoved into the talent tree like some optional novelty and you can’t even spec into it without bricking your whole build. This is the same lazy design mindset as Lightwell. It’s iconic, baseline utility thrown in behind a talent wall, then you call it customization. It’s not. It’s gutting the class and then renting the abilities back to us. And what is this random procc on blood beast garbage?’re bricking the entire san’layn hero tree…at least make it guaranteed. Unholy rotation is hot garbage awful…whats the 4% buff to frost gonna do when the specs identity is the problem? channeling abilities is the worst feeling in the world when playing MMO’s…!especially if you’re melee!
Mistweaver slammed to the ground… blizzard sees three top guilds using mistweaver in progress and suddenly it’s time to nerf it what the actual hell? it was finally viable. It finally had a moment in the sun and instead of letting it breathe you panic nerf it because the top 0.1% touched it?
Devs seems to have a vendetta against warriors. It’s like they want to keep it in the gutter no matter what. Warrior is supposed to be a cornerstone of the game remember?? Strong, solid, reliable. They keep throwing it under the bus.
What is it with Blizzard constantly nerfing mages? Every time they start doing well here comes the nerf bat. you’re not allowed to actually shine if you’re a mage? We can’t have a class be fun and competitive for more than 5 minutes without getting slammed into the ground. Mages have been screwed over for years with constant tuning that feels more like a patchwork job. If they’re good it’s too strong. If they’re weak, it’s meeeeehhh whatever. There’s no consistency in how they handle it. Just lazy nerfs and tuning…Mage players aren’t asking for top tier everything but stop with the constant gutting.
Treat classes with respect. Give them proper tuning and stop nerfing things that are just fine. Fix them properly. The lazy stuff devs are pulling is beyond frustrating. It pisses me off.
Hasn’t mage been S or A tier in most seasons?
Finally this is what ret paladin needed