No more Mistweaver for Open world contant ??? Sad
Yea, let’s buff specs that are already S-tier or A-tier in M+.
All these changes are mostly based on the RWF representation, dev preference and upcoming MDI applicants. It does not represent the majority of the player base as usual.
My MW monk did 0.84% damage during a full clear of Undermine. Clearly it needs needs to be nerfed into the ground and screwed for open world content.
Rogue does more dps than Windwalker but WW gets nerfed? Paladin’s Eternal Flame is already doing double the healing of the next best ability and still get’s a 20% increase?
Make it make sense.
Which passive or active spell/ability was changed by 500%?

Primordial Wave damage increased by 500%.
That one there

Monks have mystic touch and druids have a classbuff which is useful for every single spec in the game.
Battle Shout is stronger than Mystic Touch. Many physical damage classes deal some level of spell damage. Battle Shout increases those, Mystic Touch doesn’t.

rallying cry which is a hysterical 10% HP increase on a 3 minute cooldown.
This needs the raid cooldown treatment. 20-25% bonus hp in party, 10-15% hp bonus in raid group.

VDH’s have 2 charges of sigils which: silence for 10 seconds, fear and mass grip
Prot warriors have a shout that interrupts and taunts for 6 seconds. That alone is arguably better than those 3 sigils.

I fear we might actually reach the heatdeath of the universe before either VDH or Augvoker are not god tier specs in a single m+ season
Like… Season 1? With the exception of maybe the Aug. No one was playing VDH last season.
WHY DO YOU HATE HEALERS SO MUCH? No one is gonna Heal in PvP anymore What the actual F*CK?!
RIP my WW main.

while vengeance DHs and prot. paladins are fine I guess? Clueless.
Not sure if you can read, VDHs were nerfed too.

Healers have way more low dmg compared to tanks and dps. Bring back MW dps and buff dps others healers. Why MW get nerfed? Its bad
Because it was out of line. It could pump the same group healing as other classes, while fully dps-ing.
Healers should heal. Tanks should deal less damage in instanced environments.

- Moonfire and Sunfire damage increased by 33% in PvP combat.
At least cap it to 5 targets max. In Blitz its already a huge chunk of their damage which applied to multiple targets with one GCD. Also nerf starfall damage by 50% and the range by 25% at least, it’s pathetic how mongoloid the balance damage right now. 36% moonfire/sunfire, 35% starfall, +10% passive procs by these dots having 500k dps while they drink coffee…

Healers should heal.
You have to choose here.
Either ALL classes can use the same GCD to DPS and Heal (which in essence is what MW and DP do). Or NONE can.
Its not about the raw dps. Its about what can you do in 1 GCD. One thing, or two things.
So you got 2 options.
(A) Either you remove Attonement and Ancient Teachings and turn those 2 specs into caster, healer only specs like they used to be.
(B) You give the other healer specs something (not neceserelly Attonement healing) that can do DPS + Healing in a single GCD.
This can be, for example, Healing to Damage (the inverse). This can be things like After 3 Healing Spells you get 1 DPS cast off GCD.
Things like that.
SO TLDR this has to do with what you do with 1 GCD. And currently, IMO its unfar. And IMO, DPS rotations give depth to the healing roll. And should stay.
So for me, I want to see Option B.
On top, a little detail with this “1 GCD problem” : The fact that 1 healing spell costs a ton of mana. While 1 offensive spell costs nothing. So MW and DPriest have infinite mana as a result. Because they can cast things that cost 0 mana and yet, produce some degree of HPS. Unlike ALL other specs. Which is also unfair IMO.
You can not with class diversity want the same thing for every “1 GCD”. I mean, lava burst is doing a ton of damage. Way more than a Rising Sun kick.
And that RSK (or Spin) is by the way also costing mana. You do not have infinite mana.
When i press a healing rain down in 1 global with totemic, i basically need to do my ‘dps’ rotation full time to get the same amount of damage. Specs are just different.

You can not with class diversity want the same thing for every “1 GCD”.
Yes you can. Absolutely.
Take in combat mana regen. EVERY healer has some form of mana regen. Right? Mana Tea, Resurgence, ect… that stuff.
That is proof that you can have the same “mechanics” while maintaining class diversity.

I mean, lava burst is doing a ton of damage. Way more than a Rising Sun kick.
So ? Its not comparable.
To get HPS benefit from Lava Burst.
- Cast Lava Burst (with Lava Surge to get +35% extra healing) (1 GCD)
- Cast Healing Surge to benefit from that (1 GCD).
2 GCDs at BEST to get some form of translation between healing and damage.
To get the same effect as MW monk, I should be able to cast 1 Lava Burst and instantly heal someone with a Healing Surge. That is Rising Sun Kick. WITH the mana cost of a Lava Burst. NOT the mana cost of a Healing Surge.
So its not about the raw DPS Lava Burst does with respect to Rising Sun Kick. Its the oportunity factor of using RSK vs Lava Burst.
It is very often in RShaman healing that you have a Lava Surge available but you dont use it because you need to triage someone. Or prep something.
Well, i need to press 20 GCD’s on the monk to get the same damage for 1 GCD healing rain from the shaman.
I do not get the comparisons. It is class diversity.
Calculating in ‘1 GCD’ is not what we should do.

Well, i need to press 20 GCD’s on the monk to get the same damage for 1 GCD healing rain from the shaman.
Even Healing Rain has oportunity costs. Either it does damage and no healing (because it needs to be under enemies) or it heals but no damage. Plus it costs 1 talent point. And a 2s cast time. And a 6s CD. So to optimize damage you spend 1/3 of your time casting Healing Rain.
And healing rain itself dosent heal for squat.
And the 20 GCDs you did, they healed. AND did damage. Unlike Healing rain. Which does nothing in the healing department.
In addition, 20 GCDs of damage spells is but a fraction of the mana compared to the 20 GCDs I spend healing between each Acid Rain.

I do not get the comparisons. It is class diversity.
Let me go back to the combat mana regen.
Could you imagine that Resto Shaman was the ONLY class that could recover mana in combat? Everyone else could not?
Or can you imagine that RShaman was the ONLY one with AoE healing? And everyone else only had ST heals?
There are mechanics which are so good that everyone needs to have them. And I already gave you examples of how to maintain diversity, but with equal results.
The solutoin is not to simply give everyone resurgence. You get creative and make something special for each class. And you dont give Chain Heal to everyone either. You figure out some other mechanics to AoE heal for each healer.
Which is the case. So you see? Some things are too OP. And you can have diversity with equal results.

Even Healing Rain has oportunity costs. Either it does damage and no healing (because it needs to be under enemies) or it heals but no damage. Plus it costs 1 talent point. And a 2s cast time. And a 6s CD. So to optimize damage you spend 1/3 of your time casting Healing Rain.
And yeah, it costs a talent point for monk too.

And the 20 GCDs you did, they healed. AND did damage. Unlike Healing rain. Which does nothing in the healing department.
Yeah. But you only needed 1 GCD for the damage of my 20 GCD. You had 19 GCD’s free for healing.

Could you imagine that Resto Shaman was the ONLY class that could recover mana in combat? Everyone else could not?
Could you imagine resto shaman does NOT need to press mana tea to get mana back? Just crits?

Which is the case. So you see? Some things are too OP. And you can have diversity with equal results.
When you want to complain about damage of the monk, it is basically about the zap cooldown with thunder focus tea, or the master of harmony hero track.
Not about baseline abilities comparison per GCD.
This is not about rising sun kick or healing surge.
I think they are out of touch.

- Protection
- Shield Slam damage reduced by 5%.
- Mountain Thane: Strength of the Mountain’s bonus to Shield Slam damage increased to 15% (was 10%).
okay so…no changes?
The irony of reading a prot pally call warrior face roll beginner tank after last seasons

No single warrior dps tunning! Hello? We do exist
Blizz only knows how to nerf warrior so I’d rather have nothing atm.

And yeah, it costs a talent point for monk too.
Totemic relies on people being on top of the HR for Deluge. As you cannot reliably have everyone with Riptide dot on.
Like I said. Opportunity costs.

Yeah. But you only needed 1 GCD for the damage of my 20 GCD. You had 19 GCD’s free for healing.
If that was the case, then the overall DPS and mana consumption of MW monk would not be so high.
I already explained that using 20 GCDs to do damage AND healing is not the same as 1 GCD to do damage + 19 to Heal.
For starters the mana consumption is not comparable.
And second: Think about balancing out the specs. If 1 of my spells does as much damage as 20 of yours…
What would happen if Shamans instead of casting 1/20 DPS spells. Now casted 2/20? Or 5/20? The result is a Battle Shaman from BFA. Overly OP.
And that is why the DPS of healers is never balanced. Because on paper a RShaman could do as much DD as a DPriest for example. Except that the cost of that would be to heal close to 0.
And we can play the game of “lets buff Lava Burst by 10%”, like they have done for ages now… but the more you do that, the more you risk one spec catapulting in DPS. Like HPriests not so long ago.

Could you imagine resto shaman does NOT need to press mana tea to get mana back? Just crits?
I know right? How unfortunate that its so boring.
Especially because I spend more mana. How about Lava Surges give mana back as well?

Not about baseline abilities comparison per GCD.
It is.
Every time Blizzard tunes MW to do competitive HPS in M+ we ALWAYS run into this problem of DPS.
And the same goes for DPriest. With the exception that DPriest has PI. And you already know what my beef with PI is.