Class Tuning Incoming - 29 November

A WW Monk doing relatively well on the meters in a below par group does not mean that the spec is in a good place.

It can certainly still “blast” in lower keys, especially when matched with bad players. But once you get into the higher keys and are playing with people of a similar or same skill level, you will find that it gets blown away by even mid tier specs.

The ST is also so bad you could question whether you would be better off just bringing an extra off-tank in a raid.

If you are genuinely trying to argue that WW is in a good place right now, I would tell you that you do not have even the slightest clue what you are talking about.

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Probably yes. Druid is considered a throughput healer in raids because it doesn’t have a raid-DR. If it isn’t in the top 3 hps specs there, then it’s hard to justify.

I won’t say no to 3% for my rdruid, although I would quite like some mana cost adjustment. I’m only an ilvl 450 bab doing normal, but Fyrakk was quite demanding on mana and required master shapeshifter and a bunch of wrath bolts to get through to the end. Sure it got me through, but every wrath is a not-heal.

Although maybe this is how they want to balance resto druid’s lack of cast times. If it ends up the same overall healing done but is taking breaks to cast wrath, is that really different from a mistweaver kicking the boss, adding a bit of dps while simultaneously healing?

So holy gets a healing buff in pvp, but meanwhile has one of the lowest outputs looking at logs in hc and mythic. Even in mythic resto druid far out performs holy and they are getting a buff in pve.
The changes to salvation really hurt the spec. It’s a 12 min cd baseline and instead of nerfing the healing output you nerf the cdr to get the spell back. In comparison you have spells such as rewind (4min baseline, 3min talent) which does way more healing. The nerf to symbol hurts utility because the spec doesn’t bring anything unique.

But heroic logs are an absolute joke, its all “zerg” fights where it is natural that a spec like Arcane would be represented as better than it is.

We are suffering in Mythic.
Buff Mages across the board, thanks.

Sure for some people and you can say that but Myth logs are WORTHLESS right now.
only 3 guilds TOTAL has killed the whole raid.
And those guilds do NOT have public logs.
Looking at Mythic logs though all 3 mage specs is in the middle of the pack no need for buffs at all.
On 99th percentile frost and fire is 12 and 13 and arcane is 15
To give numbers on it Frost is doing 221322dps aka 220k dps and Havoc being second highest is doing 242805 aka 240k dps
The difference between number 2 and 12th dps spec on mythic is 20k dps right now and that is with mythic logs being a terrible source of data.

Mage is completely fine and should not get a buff as it is average it is in the middle of the logs.

Now lets look at ret the Second lowest dps spec on mythic on progress where ret has an automatic advantage because of dps increase when people die and always drops down after progress is over.

Its important to remember that those 99 heroic logs are mostly mythic raid guilds doing reclears for tier and have significantly shorter kill times than any of the fights are designed around, more value for bloodlust, less value for execute, and significantly less damage hindrance caused by movement.

Feral pvp nerf. i mean regrowth doesnt heal that much and now its even lower.
they want to see that kitty more in bear form arent they

Ah finaly some fdk nerfs. That broken class was buzzing.

But we don’t want mediocrity. We want at least one spec to be at the top of the pack.
Besides, I’m asking for Mage buffs but while we’re at it I should also ask for the nerf hammer to drop on the BM hunters as well as rogues across the board.

Mythic logs are not useless at all ~ you might not know how statistics work even when the data is incomplete. But you can take the last 2 bosses from heroic statistics, they would paint the same picture.

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