Class Tuning Incoming - 29 November

I don’t know how to feel about frost dk changes. I guess are buffs so yay?

try and look a bit on youtube and you will see how insane fury warriors is in m+
they definitely don’t need a buff :slight_smile:
but how they are in raid i don’t know, but in m+ they are pretty wild


don’t mind him, he has a huge hatred for hunters.
he only stops complaining when he is at the top and hunters dh, and the rogues are completely gone at the bottom.
Don’t even bother arguing with him anymore


Insane, buffs to locks and sp are not enough. So instead of 200k on a pac I will do 210k while DH and frost mages 500k. Wowwwww :astonished:. St is not that bad of destro though, they should’ve done something with AOE.

It looks like they try to make slowly the game easier. In few expansion we will play Roblox. Slowly they will rework hard classes too.

I am unsure the reasoning behind this.

Is this a Raid tuning, or a M+ tuning? Because if its the latter I dont get it. I also dont get why shaman cant get some love now and then.

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Because they hate us. And its 100% raid.

I feel like their balance is mostly aimed towards raids most of the time.

frost dk needed a buff for sure/ rest fine too. People are mad everytime xD
Think before chat and look some locks

With equipping that legendry weapon, we are at most in the middle pack. That weapon is $hit and gating us big time!

It is actually baffling that this balance patch contains absolutely nothing for Windwalker Monk. Not even a miniscule 1% increase for the lowest performing dps spec in the game, with that gap increasingly widening as other specs get their impactful tier sets and higher ilevel gear.

Windwalker is down there with the tanks on single target (probably even under any bdk that picks up the new legendary), and even on AOE it has been overtaken by just about every other spec with half decent cleave talents. The gap is so wide now that you could give WW a flat 15% aura buff and they would still only be a mid/bottom tier spec. Yet, it gets absolutely nothing. Again.

The Shadow buffs are a complete joke too. Real changes are needed to make the spec viable again after it was gutted due to Aug being completely giga busted (rather than just nerfing Aug - yet another hilarious decision).

Frost buffs were desperately needed, but the changes look relatively small and do not do much for them at all.

On top of that, I simply do not understand how Havoc, Rogue and Hunter have survived yet another “balance patch” without seeing sizeable nerfs. They are so far ahead of the other dps specs it is actually becoming laughable.

I am starting to think that the “balance team” is legitimately made up of complete and utter morons. Perhaps hire people with above room temperature IQ in the future.

Affliction is doing less damage than a spec that it is supposed to be an aurabot(buffing the rest). 6% buff is nowhere near to stop people from kicking you out of lfr groups for low dps. Not even considering playing it in mythic. Has lost spec identity and feels miserable to play. Just rework it already. Make Malefic rapture a stackable dot or just and execute range dot that will actually give a satisfying feeling when you multidot.

It sucks that our tuning is locked behind legendary but it is what it is.

I wholeheartedly agree with this philosophy, it never feels good to have your favourite class nerfed into oblivion.

Mages are in dire need of buffs across the board. All 3 specs are performing atrociously in the raid, especially Fire.

Please fix.

Not true as heroic logs is showing Frost is the 5th highest dps spec and arcane is the 7th highest.
If 1 spec is inside of top 10 your class is doing really good

Can Enhancement shamans get a rework on the 2 and 4-set? Why are you forcing us to play primordial wave? :frowning:

Why u all wanting to Nerf DH … Jeeez… :stuck_out_tongue:

That buff for locks is not enough. They should’ve buffed it different way too. Not just % of increase damage

i wonder waht do you mean - i have seen WW absolutely blasting in few m+ i was with one .

seems like skill issue or your group is not pulling agresively enough .

Death, taxes, WW Monk being completely ignored by Blizzard

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