Class Tuning Underway -- 3 February

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So true. Atleast you Demonhunters can pressure good in Arena. We dks cant even do that anymore.

YEP Arms is clearly broken. But hey atleast you have dodge abilities. :))))

Habt Ihr kein Bock das Leute Arkan spielen… das doch ein Witz…

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How many demonhunters did you see in that arena tournament? I’m not saying we should be best of the best but after the nerfs our arena performance has been real bad. I personally dont really care for pvp but pve i hate losing to classes that perform worse parse wise but are so overtuned they can just outdps me 1 finger up in their noses.

Oh great demo warlock is gonna be rock bottom now thanks a lot for nothing…

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Devs must by stupid bufoons or what at this point ! Where are nerfs to op classes like Balance and Affli ? where is buff for arcane mage ? least represented spec in pvp and pve as well ? where are covenant changes to move them more on par ?

Lets not forget that night fea is the only choice, anything else you are rock bottom.

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Due to all these extra systems they have in place for #systemlands like covenant, lego, soulbinds as well as stats priority, nerfing a spec even just to make them not op anymore will result huge upsets to players who are playing them atm.

Most it will result to refarm all these things again due to the spec nerf. The risk may end up losing subs from those players. No one is insane to go through all the chores again for the same character becaused blizzard nerfed the spec they play

It’s better to make small changes recently than doing big patches, when ur class might get nerfed to the ground. 100k aoe dps? well looking at MDI is silly, cuz they have BiS gear and are top players? Nerfing whole class just because 0.01% of players are good enough to abuse it and not to die at pulls is quite delusional. Instead of whining and complaining, maybe you should appreciate the fact that they re doing something.

Class balancing plan meeting:-

Leader: ‘OK we keep getting all these repeated complaints from the same classes, what should we do?’

Dev1: 'Well, we could give ‘em a bit more damage, not too much, then watch and see if they stop complaining’.

Leader: ‘Sounds good. How much more damage though?’

Dev2: ‘Well, we counted up all the complaints and put them in two groups based on number of complaints. We suggest 3% for lowest number of complaints and 5% for highest number of complaints’.

Leader: ‘Great thinking, but what if the complaints continue?’.

Dev1: ‘Just rinse and repeat until the number of complaints reduces’.

Leader: ‘Sounds like you guys came up with a solution. Well done’.


May be an ignorant question but why don’t they buff underperforming classes by ballpark percentage they are behind? Wouldn’t that make more sense and be easier to do from the start? Like if fury is 20% behind the top 4-5 specs, why not buff it by 20% from the start and equal it out? Or if it’s a class that scales really well the buff by 15% or something.

I agree at certain points, but class tuning is hardly just about output numbers. The fundation is about the class, but seems to be forgotten by Blizzard for last few years.

In SL, I don’t see they nerf specs as all these extra systems they introduced will all require chores again if you dare to change spec.

The problem is if you just look at fury warriors, the spec has been included in almost every single “tuning” posts, does it change the dynamic of the spec and acceptance across various contents? No. The numbers may just make a few limited players feel a little bit better so they don’t unsub instead.

Just give them damage. The lazy way.

This should never be happening, ever. Very small nerfs are ok but there’s literally nothing worse in this game then your class being demolished come the next reset. Buff every other class if necessary.


Maybe you could talk to whoever designed Holy paladins this way? Fun or not good or not, they are a healer class and I don’t expect to make full use of my heals etc to have to go in and use crusader strike and stay melee range it’s utter garbage. It feels so horrible to play feels like your just playing ret and word of glorying people here and there HORRIBLE DESIGN PLZ REVERT

Sooo when do we get other roles balance?

Its nice u try to balance dps, but u know, there are tanks and healers too. Two roles most people cry about when it comes to finding one, so balancing those a little cant be bad idea, right?

Because they’re upping the numbers by tiny percentages which barely does anything. Enrage was gutted from 25% bonus haste to 15% for no reason in SL and is a big part of why fury is so far behind. It was both more fun and more impactful as your spec flows faster and scales better, these 3% buffs when the spec is 2k dps behind isn’t gonna do anything. It was also hit hard by the removal of azerite traits so here we are.

exactly my point, the current so called “tuning” is more like a psychological comfort so players stay subbed and hope their characters will be good one day in the expansion than Blizzard actually tries to make every class variable and fun to play

I guess this just confirms there are only one or two people working on class tuning for one or two hours a week. Talk about cheap and lazy.

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