Class Tuning Underway -- 3 February

Blizzard why do you insult us havocs like this? Our issues isnt 3% damage buff our issues are deep in our core talents and skills and also the nerfs you threw in our way.
Give us back our 8 second demonic and make first blood baseline. Fix our ST damage dont just throw 3% to everything which btw wont help us at all we are still going to be at the bottom. You broke us and giving us flat buffs wont fix our core problems. I’m not sure why you are buffing frost mages AGAIN its starting to look like favoritism here but then again you do buff rogues AGAIN…but i always say rogues and mages blizzards favorite sons and daughters.
We will take the 3% and we will do nothing with it since it still will keep us at the bottom and still noone will want us to anything, but thanks…for nothing. Also will this buff now actually go to auto attacks as well? I heard rumors that the last one didnt ( correct me if im wrong )

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Why doesn’t mistweaver get a buff ? This spec is underperforming in PVE and PVP




Hi blizz
allthough i welcome a 5% flat buff to my specc i really think you should increase cooldown ability’s like:
Chaosbolt - 20% ( maybe reduce casting time by .5 sec )
conflagate - 10% (maybe remove the legendary and apply to spell )
destro should stand out on burst dmg and hero phases
i feel so underpowered atm

at this point its bring the class/specc and not the player into pugs

So nothing for retribution paladins, currently 13th on CN Mythic and dropping as predicted due to poor scaling (was 10th 3 weeks ago). Also one of the least represented DPS specs in high m+ keys.

Being mid was always the case but now rets are borderline useless. And the thing is that like monks, priests and DHs, paladins have access to only one DPS spec. The buff to DH is looong overdue. And so is the buff to retribution paladin yet we don’t see it here.

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I have recently tried Ret now I have a wep, and was surprised at low base dmg in general. Granted my wep is 20ilevel lower than holy, but still, my CS hits for 900 less than holy, judgement hits for 300 less, consec is like 700. Seems wonky. Outside of wings and TV my damage just doesn’t seem that amazing unless I get huge crit sprees and art of war procs.
I can see how it’s good in PvP. Wings burst plus TV crits plus SW added burst is decent. But then what?

For ref in 202 ilevel as Ret and CS hits for 1000ish on tooltip. Seems a bit low to me. Granted AAs are there but I don’t think they’re making up that shortfall.

Are you blind or what blizzard. Why you are buffind frost mage. It is in the middle of the pack right now. What are you aiming for ? All mage specs to be in top 3 ?


Thanks Blizzard! Good work keep it going!

Great, warrior will be even more OP in arenas now…


And I guess it took over a whole 2 minutes of studying the charts ( the wrong one I guess) to come up with this buffs.

The beta testing is stupid, cos you get all the best gear free, and only a handful of us testing with dungeon or RF gear. So most of the class can perform adequate with best gear, but with lower ilevel, they struggle. But the devs don’t care, cos mythic raiders…

i remember when class tuning came with a big page of spell tuning and more long time ago…


Nope. I’ve mained a Warrior since TBC and I’ve always thought Fury is PvE. Nothing ridiculous about that at all.

So what are holy priest strengths? Bottomt tier to all aspects of the game. And n we do not want to dps to heal.

Here we go again with this pointless “tuning”.

Class tuning is about the class and the spec, but instead Blizzard only looks at the excel chart which they might just download from third party and start to play with excel forumlas.

Bliizard, class tuning is not the report you need to show Bobby to manipulate the numbers so they look good.

Worst part is, times of the so called “tuning” for fury warriors does not a change a thing about the spec in SL and it will like this for the rest of the expansion if this is the way going forward


I told you and gonna tel you again. DEVS DON’T PLAY THE GAME!!!.
As Vengeance has more dps than Havoc in M+. You Blizz FAILED this class so bad F

ALWAYS the worst mage spec?!


Blizzard’s employees are only playing Mage. Blizzard failed so many classes and specs this expansion. I’ve ready stopped my subscription when vengeance had better dps in m+ than havoc. I really hope the game will die as since release the T only thinl I heard is: PLAY META

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Imagine still not reworking Dk covenant abielities. I mean compare Abo limb to chain harvest, condemn or convoke. I dont get it. Why are you nerfing Unholy in pvp, like we dont have that much burst anyway and you even take our only pressure tool in Arena and you break it. Thanks. Lets not even start with Frost, that spec needs a rework or serious buffs. I dont get why a class like DK is weak against melees inside of Arenas, lorewise it dosent make any god damn f****** sense and it’s just unbalanced that a Ret or Windwalker can hard outdmg you while easily tanking all your damage and healing almost like a healer. Same for druids. Give Dks a dodge Ability, a Disarm, Corpse shield back and more burst jesus…in this Meta were almost completely useless. And most important, BUFF or REWORK our covenant abilities. They suck compared to other ones. Theyre almost not relevant to our damage, except Abo Limb maybe, but honestly even Abo limb lacks damage compared to Convoke or Condemn etc… Jesus, does even any of you Devs play Dk? It really seems like a big NO to me.

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