Class tuning

Again nothing for dh and next patch there will be more nerfs… Mayby its time to chance to warrior or dragon dps…

idk we are litterally forgotten.
They think probably Prot Palas are weakest tanks in the game atm and they are doing not enough damage thats why they recieving buffs. I dont get it. Really. Why are they so tunneled focus on Prot Paladins? Every group is already looking for prot pala. Even prot warriors are not so much popular. And they are getiing buffs.
Just delete all other tank classes from this game and call Prot Pala speck simple Tank. No need to balance others. Just leave us only 1.

DH is a very popular class so this is probably exactly the intention :smiley: It sucks that they feel it has to be done like this. Maybe just make other specs more attractive.

But hey, fodder to the flame pathing and anchorpoint improvement for the soul fragment is kind of a buff? I guess.

nice trolling, marked it.

Dh is just fine its alrdy s tier higher cant it go

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DH is not fine unless you like playing like a monkey on crack.


Ah sure, exactly thats why i m sitting hours in q applying to groups for a key I have already timed that are looking for prot paladins / warriors / bdks. And they take those tanks even if they are 100io lower then me.
Just because “VDH is just fine alrdy s tier and higher cant it go”. :slight_smile:
We are in the same Tier as Brews and Guardians - but comparing to em - they bring much more utility for the group thats why VDHs are atm very useless for groups. DPs is soso / survivablity could be much better / utility - almost 0 / Buff only for Spell Damage - in melee Meta such a very helpfull buff :slight_smile:

Dude vdh do allot of dmg almost same overal as a normal dps just play it right

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Vdh is no fun to play anymore. DF talents changed how it plays and I no longer enjoy it.

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