Class unlocks for more races - Which do you want?

Keep in mind that Undead Holy Priest have been there since the very start, but yes Holy magic does Burn them, Paladin would be those who died as a paladin as Humans and didn’t get ressurected by the Lich King, keeping its Human-paladin powers.

We don’t know the Future story, and how Sargeras and Illidan will make its comeback.
He could teach other races to use the powers of Demons, for other reasons than fighting Demons, maybe the Void?
Sargeras did afterall consume worlds with the Fel.

sure Void Elf / mecha Gnomes may be abit Itchy, but the rest? Why not.

Ogre Male Shadow Priest? :slight_smile:

Yes for Dwarf and Dark Iron Druid. Very nice forms, I like them, good job man :smiley: I suggest Rams for traveling form.

Tauren and Gnome DH. They would look absolutely cursed and i would love it.

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Any race+class combo can make sense. We already have oxymoron combinations such as Undead Priest, Lightforged Death Knights, Kul Tiran Druids - The last had extensive lore made up around it, but if we’re being honest, human druids never made sense if we go by Warcraft 3 lore. That’s the problem with this mentality though, it’s very antiquated and barely has any remaining roots left.

At this point, it’s better to think of how these combinations fit into the lore, rather than how they don’t, because one way or another, we will get them eventually.

I think canonically Undead Priests are all Shadow for this very reason, with the exception of Alonsius Faol who is only able to tolerate the pain through his extraordinarily strong faith.
However, as far as I remember, Paladins don’t just call back on the powers of the Light like Priests do. The Light flows through them constantly, empowering their actions. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but it feels like Undead Paladins would just die a horribly painful final death during their initiation…

The player character is supposed to be exceptional and pretty much whatever you imagine it to be.

Gnome Paladin :slight_smile:
Panda Druid!

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Apart from a few obvious cases (think DHs), I’d like to see all races get all classes.
Cultural and historical traits and customs in the lore should not represent a limitation for individual characters, there’s plenty of ways to justify exceptions to the “rule”.
Common =/= universal, the fact most blood elves won’t care about druidism shouldn’t mean no blood/high elf under any circumstance can ever become a druid.
Making unusual or untraditional combinations is super fun in games like D&D.
Let people have that kind of fun, the lore isn’t going to explode.

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Id just love to see more druids.
Mainly coz Id be fascinated by the lore around them and what the different forms would be.
Im sure humans could of learned the skill from nelfs or gilneans by now.
Dwarves could learn stone druid forms from an Earthen and maybe gnomes could be gifted a transforming mechasuit from the mechagnomes too!

Id just love to see arcane purple cats for nightborne or fiery bears for DI dwarves…

sounds fun!


right on sister! but we also need shaman to complete the collection :smiley: but if we only got druid i’d survive i guess

mag’har has priest (light) but not paladin (light)
LooorEEe ReaaAsSonS

Undead priest (light) same deal. Holy light does not burn em, they’re not even classified as undead

ye, cuz in lore they’r priests are shadow ones.

Lore stated in the time skip between end of WoD and when mag’har were released to play, that Mag’har and Draenei worked together for a long time and shared many things like their obsession with the light before it became to crazy.

The lore stinks and should stop holding back fun

dosen’t still mean they are light wielders.

et dosen’t?

You guys realize regular Orc priests are coming for the launch of Df, yeah?

i want blood elf druids

I mean TBF any race that has priests should also have paladins. A paladin is just a warrior for [insert religion] so surely any race with religion can use that faith to fight with?

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Even orc? Check this:,_Demon_Hunter

Orcs and draenei dealt with the legion more than all the other races combined. If anyone should have been a demon hunter, it’s them.


It is a bit strange, we don’t have Warlocks, when the Eredar particularly 'invented" it… but the Exiled Ones can be Shadow Priests :thinking:
(I know, mechanics… but mechanicly anyone could make pacts with Demons and after the first few thousand years, doubt is natural, maybe the Man’ari were right)