I’m sure that this question has/gets asked an awful lot, but where does everyone see Classic leading to over the next few years?
It would probably make sense to see Pandaria Classic, which doesn’t seem that far away given the short timeline blizzard has released for Cataclysm. But after that could we be looking at Warlords? Legion? BFA?!
Why? Because there is nothing to look forward to in a short amount of time. With 1 bad into 1 good (cata into mop / wod into legion) they can at least have two 1 year expansions to rush to the good ones.
BFA (bad) into shadowlands (bad) wont work and a merge to retail is more likely after legion classic ends.
Should end at MoP really. Everything after MoP felt like extensions of the same branch of WoW. MoP was brilliant and reminiscent of the expansions before it in some way.
MoP feels like it would be the end of classic as they changed models and animations with WoD. MoP was the final expansion with the classic character models so it would make sense to end it there imo.
Wouldn’t mind going further tho as i like WoD and Legion