I’m trying to build a shapeshifting macro for my druid and I noticed a different behaviour depending on the form I’m in. The relevant parts of the macro are:
/cast Cat Form
/cast [form:3,nocombat] Prowl
When using it with no form it only shifts into cat form, but when I use it in bear form I can shift into cat form and stealth with one button press. For me that makes no sense, as casting Cat Form and Prowl by pressing two buttons in quick succession always works, not matter I’m shapeshifted or not. Is this intended behaviour or a bug?
Cast Cat Form (or cancel it if you’re already in Cat Form)
If you’re in Travel Form (3) and not in combat, then cast Prowl
So logically it should never be casting Prowl.
That aside, assuming it was working, it’s the race conditions I mentioned in my previous post. Essentially sometimes, your computer is receiving a response from the server quickly enough that by the time it tries to execute the Prowl cast, it recognizes you’re in Cat Form, and other times it hasn’t received the response and therefore you don’t meet the requirements for Prowl