Classic era low level battlegrounds: queue minimum numbers players requirement


I am writing to request that Blizzard consider reducing the minimum number of players required to start low-level battlegrounds. Currently, it appears that Warsong Gulch requires 8 vs. 8 players to begin.

This number is too high given the current activity on classic era servers. Recently, there have been no games at all. Every time someone joins the queue, the game simply doesn’t happen, leaving people upset.

We are part of the EU twinks community, a small group of players who love this content. Some of us, like myself, do not play any other content and do not want to play elsewhere. We organize games on Discord from time to time, including with levelers, but even then, it’s very tough to start a game. Sometimes we have 5 vs. 5 or 7 vs. 7 players in the queue and still can’t start the game.

The 19s, 39s, and 49s brackets are absolutely dead, and only the 29s bracket is alive thanks to the efforts of our twinks community. It’s really nice games!

I believe it’s not a big deal to reduce this limitation to 5 vs. 5 or 4 vs. 4. It won’t have a negative impact.

Please, if you still love low-level battlegrounds and want to be a part of this activity, support my post and leave a comment. Maybe such activity will increase our chances of being noticed. I hope we can change this sad situation and have fun with new games.

Whether Blizzard helps us or not, here are our two Discord channels where you can find information about future events, get help, or find advice:

Join us, and we can play more games!


100% agree! Desperate to get pvp more active but it seems like a futile task at the moment 5v5 would drastically increase the number of games!


This is such a great idea! Hopefully blizzard listens! Most of us are just old guys n gals from a bygone era of the game wanting to enjoy what we love! This would be a huge step in the right direction!


Great idea. Should bring some people back and make potentially all brackets viable…

Maybe if the XP and bonus honour was reduced on the token hand-in quests it would reduce the likelihood of bot abuse too…


Great idea. Will likely bring more interest to the lower BG brackets!

Could maybe do with a reduction to XP and/ or Honour from BG token quests to reduce the risk of bot-abuse…


This change whould be awesome!!!

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Omg!! Yes, please! ever since I started classic, I could never get into a single bg, there are never enough players.

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As a returning player, i logged for both battlegrounds (Epic and smaller too).
No response, i can’t play. The marketplace is much more smaller than it was ages ago, also the numbers of players in capital cities. Looks like WoW is now on free fall as it feels only a handful of players remained there to play

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Wold be nice if this happen!

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Our discord updated link

Wow! Great idea! It could revive low level bgs.