Classic Era Transfer Destinations for Your Hardcore Characters

One day before Hardcore.

Thanks and Sigh!
Then they are after closing down servers not the big ones like Pyrewood, Firemaw & co.

why no golemagg too? i have aliance characters in firemaw so if i play horde in harmode and die i just have to go to a dead server as gehennas?

ok i discoverd that you can transfer gerehennas firemaw even if you have alliance lol good

Can you please add Zandalar Tribe RPPvP to the free transfer options for HC characters? I’m unsure why it hasn’t been included.

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Is it allowed to have both Factions on one Server? Normally you cant play both Factions. But now i can create Horde and Alliance Characters on Firemaw, cause i transfered my dead HC Alli to my Horde Realm. (Cause no other options, the other Clusters are dead.) Is it a bug???

This repeated here:

Please also give transfer for not dead players BETWEEN the two HC realms - would solve queue problem. Thanks.

I would create insane traffic. Lags and DC happen on Stitches, players from there move to Nek’Rosh, lags get smaller, people move their characters back to Stitches and the cycle repeats. Yes you could have had CD on transfers, but imagine the outcry. More so many free transfers would make players from Wrath realms that will, most probably, have queue issues in 2 weeks ask themselves of why can’t they transfer elsewhere and then back to their Megarealm if HC realms can?

Given that we have 2 HC realms only, the traffic there would not concern other. Character transfer is easy thing to do, and no humans involved.
If Blizz open more HC realm then your but’s will be right not else.

Exactly. Kind of a bummer, but I get the reasoning why.

well there is only one RP target that is Hydraxian Waterlords. Celebras is not available either.
They do not want the RPler transfer for free anywhere else.

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LOL thats some quality programming. Blizztads are just the best tads.

I would also like to transfer from HC realm to Mirage Raceway. Population is “normal”. Is it possible that I am able to transfer my character to this realm soon?

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yes you can transfer to mirage raceway

Accidentally transferred my dead 60lvl HC character to Gehennas, battlegroup that exists solely for bots and PvP rank exploiters, it has zero (0) items on AH across all 10 servers and zero real players.
Support refused to change my final destination to normal realm twice and told me to pay $20 to get out of trap they created. Be aware.

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You have to confirm your destination by manual input and there will be a warning box too, there was no ‘accident’ nor was there a ‘trap’.

FCM’s are generally final, review the transfer order carefully next time.

There is no manual input, there is drop-down menu. Second battlegroup with zero players should not exist in the first place.

Because you said the below: That there was “no manual input”. This is disproved, by putting in Firemaw.

That is exactly the same, you manually input what you want through the drop-down menu or in the “realm name” field enter one of the eligible destination realms. The game doesn’t make an automated choice for you.


Players may choose to enter a low populated realm if they wish.

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Why did you change original transfer form before taking a screenshot?
It drops you lists of servers you can click on, you do not need to type anything.
(there should be screenshot, but I cant post it)
It even suggests you Gehennas, lmao.
That wasnt my point anyway. By “accident” I mean that I assumed that every pvp server is connected, just like every pve one.

wait 30 days until the mailbox is empty, or wait 90 days for a ticket to be anwsered