hey, can anyone with heritage armor for a classic race confirm if you are able to use a level boost to get it? ive seen people saying that you can indeed level boost and still get the heritage armor for races like gnomes dwarves tauren and blood elves
This tauren was boosted to 100 during Legion. Yesterday I got heritage armor on him.
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Can confirm, used BFA’s 110 boost on my Tauren at the end of Legion and got heritage armour on him yesterday.
It’s only the AR races which cannot be boosted.
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Only allied races are affected by boosts!
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Hey thanks everyone
U don’t need a tauren for tauren heritage armoe though. Can unlock it with other races aswell
You need a tauren to unlock tauren heritage armor. Quest only appears for the tauren.
Also adding, that specific Tauren also needs to be exalted with Thunderbluff.
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