Classic + Shaman Changes - Quality of Life

Global Changes - Elemental/Physical Immunities are removed from the game this effects all casters not just shaman

All Players characters get a key item slow - that displays all the skill books or totems they unlocked so shaman no longer have give up 4 inventory bag slots just so they can use there totems. this shows players what class quest they completed and time they completed it

Shaman Changes -
Mana Cost Reductions across the board.
Restoration and Enchancement - Talent Merges - Restoration will now have talents reduced so not so talent heavy to be functional

Enchancement Changes - Parry and Two-Handed Weapons are given from the start at lvl20 baseline
Enchancing Totems and Gaurdian Totems are all merged into 5 point talent in enchancement tree
Totem Focus + Restorative totems - are now merged together and restorative totems in current talent is switched in with natures swiftnesss

Ancestral healing + Healing way - are also merged into 5 point talent

Elemental Devestration - Removed from Elemental and put into enchancement

New talent added - wear weapon effects such as nightfall proc more often

Elemental - Improvements to damage and mana cost

New Items are added to the game new sets benefit elemental and enhancement game well as new dungeons wasn’t added at 60

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