Classic warrior charge/intercept macro

I’ve been trying out this macro

#showtooltip [nocombat] Charge; Intercept
/cast [nostance:1,nocombat] Battle Stance;[nostance:3,combat] Berserker Stance;
/cast [nocombat] Charge; [combat] Intercept

It turns charge and intercept into a one button macro. But there is a problem. Charge, intercept and stances aren’t on the GCD, so when pressed twice, it casts charge and intercept at the same time.

So this macro only works when pressed once. Which is not realistic in PvP where button mashing ensues.

Is there any creative way to prevent intercept from casting at the same time as charge? Perhaps with a castsequence or something.

Could try

/castsequence [nocombat] reset=1 Charge,0; [combat] reset=1 Intercept,0

That said, doesn’t Charge require and enemy target and Intercept a friendly? Combined with the combat/nocombat options I don’t see how you could be doing both at the same time, unless you’re using Soft Targeting.

Maybe, depending on expansion, but in vanilla they are both used for enemies. In TBC Intervene comes, which is for friendlies.

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