Classic WoW is...over

Classic era is too old. Cata is not classic. And SoD is not what people expected. Very far from Classic+

So what is the classic community gonna do now? We are lost

I think there is only one solution: F R E S H

A fresh 2019 Classic server. 2 year progression. No changes. No Xp buff. Slow paced content. The most popular version. Can’t play too much because work, kids, wife? Afraid of falling behind? Dont worry, we have 2 years, take your time.

Let US live the classic dream once more.


I’d like to see a classic version with a twist to be honest. SoD has some good points but they went a bit too far I reckon. A version of classic with a few runes (or simply added spells/mechanics) to make classes more balanced and specs more viable is enough. No need for phases between level 1 and 60. I don’t care much for added content at first anyway.


Won’t happen in the next two years at least

People have their time in SoD as well and yet everyone chooses to yet again min max everything despite there being no need for it.

People farm recipes like their lifes depend on it.

People gatekeep probably more than ever despite the rather easy content.

People follow yet again only whats the best like the good little metasheeps that they are.

“Discovery” was dead as soon as wowhead decided that they need to datamine everything and publish found runes as soon as they can.

WoWlogs should not have been available for SoD, it creates a competitiv enviorment where there is no need for one.


i was amazed by the amount of minmaxing of some people when in p2 i make a scarlet group lay out my sleeping bag and one guy told us “dont do the sleeping not worth you level to 40 2min faster if you dont stop to use bag on cd i did the math” this blowed my mind most of the playerbase is behaving like they are in the wolrd 1st race and they will be punished if they are behind schedule .I guess this is due to streamers and content creators being very good players and people think they can compete with their performance idk most of those people have the game as a job the average player should not copy every move they make exactly imo


With half dead classes and not working or unfinished specs in pvp, pve?. As paladin, i still prefer to play sod than classic era,or any vanilla privat servers


This really is a big problem i have with Sod and wow classic in general.
It just moves way too fast and way too slow at the same time.

Leveling just feels way way too fast, 40 to 50 should in no way be faster than 0-15 the first phase.

Since all content is built up and released at one time, to keep up you need to nolife it for 2 weeks.
Looking at the schedule of sod, each phase is 3 months.

Lets consider:

  • 3 months x 4 weeks and 1 reset each week
  • This makes for ~12 runs max in sunken temple.
  • it takes 1 week for the guild to all get to 50.
  • First raid attempt the guild only gets 40-70% of the bosses down
  • You now sit on 10 runs for the phase.
  • Last boss drops about 1 epic weapon for 20 people
  • At best on phase end 10 of your 20 raiders will have the loot they wanted

While content outside of raids is very limited and feels slow.
Dungeons only made sense to farm in phase 1 where the gear was needed to go through BFD, especially Keldris pre nerf.

Things like wild offerings you really wanna do before you start raiding, and you want to start raiding asap, so you are “forced” to rush through them, same for runes.

So after the first 2 weeks you will be raid logging or getting consumes

When phase 4 drops the devs will have the problem of gear again.

  • Either the gear you have now no longer matters and you can farm some dungeons for prebis, so why go ST.
  • Or your gear now is prebis and there will not be any lvl 60 dungeon preparations for raids, so go ST more to prepare.

Both feel wrong and not exciting.

I expect that we have about 6 resets more of ST before phase 4 lands.
This is 6 rolls for your bis, which has about 20% drop rate.
Your bis will drop an average of 1 time more this phase for you, and most likely 2-3 people will need it.

So if you are still struggling to get your 20 man raid guild proper, you better hurry up.

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This is not sod problem. Its community problem. Even if blizz do new classic fresh, there always will be sweatlords,tryhards who will be 60 lvl in one day and all with all epic gear in one second. It doesnt matter, bots will comeback in 2 weeks, and u will feel behind anyway.


I think a large proportion of the community would cease to function without these things

It’s one of the main excuses adults use to justify playing kids games IMO

“I do it competitively” …please :roll_eyes:

without it they would just be over grown manchildren playing video games for fun, which they can’t seem to do, they tend to belittle those not playing like a sweat lord and merely enjoying themselves in their spare time.

It’s amazing the control wowhead has gained over players since I stopped playing many moons ago

It’s like some sort of bible you must live by, how could people live without this?

Imagine trying to make decisions for your self based on experience within the game

People like lists of things to do I guess


It just pushes people that decide to engage with any version of wow into playing a certain way even if they do not enjoy it.

Just look in this forum how many people claim that they “need” to farm pvp for pvp gear even though they do not enjoy it.


Don’t get your fuss about vanilla ,0 class diversity , 1 button rotation ,40 man raids ,GDKPS hell hole ,broken flight points

Even if they make fresh servers they’ll die in 2 weeks tops


Yes. Fresh Vanilla into TBC. Leave out the SOD kiddies tho.

Let SoD be and continue experimenting.
50/50 ratio on the servers was a huge success.
Get rid of the loggs so datamining and gatekeepers are out of the way.
When we hit 60, thats when the fun begins :stuck_out_tongue:
Then real pvp and pve balancing can start.
And finaly as we hit 60. The true rading begins!

During all the phases, i had a good time in SoD and im curious of how P4 will be :slight_smile:


I can see your point, it is reasonable.
Classic has its own glory because was wonder at the time it was born. To be honest it was far from balanced and polished, every next expansion was improvement, but it is double edged, because bigger it gets, the more is potential to have more issues, because getting more and more complicated.
Many ppl like classic the way it was, but there is also many who do like and want classic, but the polished version, without it flaws and stuff which simply do not fit to current state of technology and games.
Classic as it was is so outdated.
Many of uss want balanced classic with all QoL changes, to can enjoy once for real.
Some stuff that can be improved:

  • more FP, mounts at 20 and 40 levels. It will save a lots of wasting time doing nothing, but moving from point A to B, most of the time getting to point take more time, than doing the thing you have to do there.
  • better UI
  • adding more quests and pve, pvp content, plenty of space where feel just empty and unfinished.
  • adding rated Bgs and arena ladder would be great, it will greatly improve longevity of game, without getting boring.
  • balance on classes and talent trees and racials.
    It was just example there is much that can be improved.
    The Classic is smallest and simplyest version of wow, if they fail to balance a 20 y old game, which have its own base to work on, I do not know what to say.
    For those with argument: “we want to play classic the slow way as it was”, well you can always play it that way, but the others who do not want do do same thing for 20th+ time, and want to do it faster this time, there must be way.
    SoD was looking good on paper, but it adds the stuff which simply do not fit in classic, many already have seen that.

this right here is the last thing this game needs. another reason for you andies to cry that you suck at pvp.
as if the moaning about shaman/horde racials isn’t insufferable enough, now you want to add a reason for alliance babies to cry even louder.

cute way of saying “nerf horde buff alliance”.

thank goodness for you, you can get from 1-50 in about 1 day and get your full welfare set of prebis gear + a bunch of gold and rep, all you have to do is go do the incursions - the content designed for those who “want it to be faster this time” they even added another 25% exp boost, just to make sure you can raid log that little bit faster.

go enjoy your fast tracked content my guy, its already there.

and yet you want more stuff like that.
you realize when you say “faster content” blizzard hears “incursions” right?
so be careful what you ask for. blizzard is dimensional levels out of touch with its playerbase, so when you say “casual” blizzard hears “free, easy and boring”

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You are right. By faster I mean just removing the chore. Incursions and stuff like that is bad for games health.
The general way should stay the same.

at that point it would literally be free though… can’t even run your circles for your free gold? come on, you want to just talk to an npc and they hand it over?
whats next, its too much to ask people to travel to the npc so we just put it in character’s mailbox?
nah that’s too much work too, most casuals quit because they can’t find a mailbox, quick put it straight into their inventory… well actually, that might throw off some of the casual playerbase who may not know how to properly outfit their character with the gear in their bags… after all, who is to say the leggings won’t fit on the head slot?
skip the whole process and slap the gear on their character for them.

well… actually, lets just give people lvl 50 boost with full bis, that way they can’t possibly be left behind (where they belong btw) and everyone gets to not play the game since there is nothing to do.


You interpreting it the extreme way.
I am talking about improvement to already existing classic content, not adding something new to ignore or replace it.
I am all about classic to stay as much as possible as classic.

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So you agree horde racials are much better?

Not better, some are broken, thats why they get reworked later, not like was perfect, but more acceptable.