Classic WoW Orc Age Range

I know a bit about the lore but I’m new to Classic.
What would the age range be of Orc characters in Classic?
Assuming they were born on Draenor & fought in the first or second wars?

Edit: Also age range for Tauren.
A guildie wants to know.

Thanks in advance.

Well according to the closest thing you can get to a proper timeline, the first war breaks out roughly 30 years before the World of Warcraft timeline begins. Factor that in with the info that Orcs reach a matured state at roughly their teenages, most Orcs from Draenor would have to be in the range of about 40-50 or so, if they were young during the first war.

Tauren are a more elusive topic, seeing as how their estimated lifetime is a bit over one hundred years, and they have no really set age of maturity. If you want to keep it young, I would recommend doing it during roughly the same ages as an Orc or even younger, so maybe in a 20-40 year range?

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Thank you. That clears things up nicely. <3

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