Claws of Shirvallah

Good day everyone!

I just wanted to voice this out before the next expansion is coming out. I hope the WoW developers would look into this before the release or after.

Claws of Shirvallah was introduced in WoD, the whole cat transforming into a Werecat was a gamechanger for me, both visually and gameplay wise. I am not talking about it’s abilities and such just to make it clear.

I am a fan of the feral druid as a whole, but i would love to see Blizzard implementing them as an option if it is just as a change form thing, pretty please:D

I would like to add another piece to this topic:
Worgens. I feel bad that their Warewolf forms are better than the cat form they get. It is a banned form of the druidic way, but still as a race they can use it, but not as a druid form since technically it is a druid curse form. Little weird on this side, but yeah… xD

I hope this form gets added, cause a lot of the visual changes has a lot of unexpected impact.

Thank you for reading and i hope you all have a wonderful day!:smiley:

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If you wanna have them as a barbershop option, I’m okay with that - though it is a little awkward in terms of animations. But yeah; if they can make it work, cool.

As for the talent itself:

Claws of Shirvallah transformed a feral druid into an enhancement shaman.

The whole point of feral is that you need to shapeshift; that you have more abilities than most but they are concentrated on fewer binds because most of them are at any given time unavailable to you. By combining the shapes and their strength at the right time for the right reason you defeat your opponent.

Any version of feral that has everything available at all times is not truly a feral at all.

And, quite frankly, that 100% applies to the current version as well; which is why I stopped playing it.

I dream of a day when feral is what made me fall in love with it once again.

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About the whole idea of “everything available at all times”, i agree to this to some extent. I believe a druid as a whole should have access to shapeshift into different animals, but not the whole kit.

Just to make an example: A guardian druid should focus on only guardian animal forms, but has access to very limited choice on the other forms. Whether this is a guardian druid going into cat form just for the mobility purposes and nothing more.

My point is. A guardian druid should have only guardian only focus. Making them change form of different guardian form like bear, rhino, mammoth etc etc suiting their role and not having access to cat forms and their kits to mess around their spec etc.

I would love to say more, but this wont matter so i will just hope for the best:)

I completely disagree with that. Many other classes can deliver that kind of gameplay including, ironically, shaman (minus the tanking).

For me the whole point is that you switch toolkit in combat. That you have a lot more available going in and you choose during the action what the correct response is. You have more responses than others, but you have to shapeshift to use them all - otherwise you are quite limited. Thus the whole gameplay centers around shapeshifting and weaving.

Then what is the point in specs if you can use all the toolkits whatever you switch into?

Tilt it in favour of one without completely dropping the others.

Although feral and guardian used to be one spec :slight_smile:

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The only solution i see here is let the players build their own spec, cause the majority of druids aint going to use the other forms, but hey how do i know xD

Im not sure what exactly u seek in druid, but in next expansion thanks to hero takents and "fluid forms " talent u will most likely shapeshift a lot .

Unless they screw numbers a lot and it will be not worth it

How so? Genuinely curious.

I don’t see any reason why that talent will cause you to shapeshift more. In fact, it makes these abilities accessible when they shouldn’t be, this ironically making it even less like a feral.

Creating a system where your stance-based class automatically changes stance without you thinking about it is just about the dumbest thing ever. Which is why I didn’t like the D4 druid either.

Now the best way to shapeshift isn’t even to press the shapeshift button, but to find a different button that happens to shift you for free. This is already a problem, this makes it worse, I hate what they’ve done to Druids, I can’t. Urgh. I need to stop.

Well first of all , u have more interactions especialy between like bear and cat spells thanks to hero talents . At least from what ive seen . Cat heal is also fine, im not sure if there is cat and bala combo , most likely not .

This alone makes it better for a lot of people, because as of now if u play bear u have very little reasons to ever shift to cat , and shifting cat during raid boss while off tanking is minimal dps gain, if ever …

Same applies to cat, there was a tome where u used to boomy convoke as cat cuz it was stronger but now u just sit cat forever. U can shift out to heal when u reaaaly need it but in pve this is something so rare and usualy doesnt help much . In pvp its different scenario .

I dont see this as an issue honestly , all it does is it saves 1 GCD , u still need to think when to shift ( or press spell that shifts you) as tank u aint gona shift into cat when u are geting blasted left and right . And thiss apply in both cases, when u press spell that shifts you or when u press cat and then cast said spell .

If they do numbers right , u will shift way more than u do now , because if u dont u arent efectively using half of your kit and your hero talents .

Like i said , to me it is the same , its just one global saved . And its not like all cat spells automaticly shifts you into cat , it will be just a specific spell .

To me it isnt any different than having macro now that auto shifts me into cat and pop stealth or dash .

Thats just a personal preference , i for example dont like whole shifting at all. Call me weird, i know its part of class fantasy, but when i play bear i wanna play bear , not bear and sit in cat cuz its better

How was that an interaction?

Yes, and imo that’s a problem. I think having evasion in cat form would be an example of something fun, and of course kiting things using Dash from Cat Form is another example of how Druid can be great.

Feral heals - like the regular heals and not the cooldowns - are a bloody joke. They literally don’t do anything anymore from my experience. If I go out of cat and into humanoid and start healing myself, I’d expect my role to be temporarily and somewhat shifted towards healing, so that my heals would be competent, but no. I can spam Regrowth and it won’t outheal basic DoT’s from a warlock in PvP.

As far as I’m concerned, the whole thing feels like playing an assa rogue with paws instead of daggers - and that’s about the extent of the difference.

GCD’s are tremendously valuable. Gaining a GCD for free because you thought not to use your shapeshift button to shapeshift? Insanely strong - and the more options you have for it, the crazier it gets. Giving ferals one without any cooldown at all? Wow…

Hmm… good, I guess.

You’re not alone in this. There are is a metric ton of druids who hate shapeshifting.

I CANNOT comprehend it. Why on Earth would anybody who hates shifting between forms pick the shapeshifter class?! And yet, hundreds of thousands did. Clearly. How? What? Why?

But yes, I know. Blizzard drove me out of the class based on community feedback, even though I were one of the first people who picked it up in the first place. My experience with druid goes so far back that there was a bug where we could be skinned after dying in a shapeshift form. Version 0.6 or 0.7 iirc. (This is why you leave your form on death to this day. Otherwise you’re a dead beast and therefore skinnable ;D )

But yeah, that’s legitimately what happened.

There are new talents and spells that simply “force” you to play more forms if u wanna use full potential.

Yes, thats one example, but its nothing compared to how druid worked before . U were shifting to do more dps or be more tanky , now u dont, having one spell to run faster isnt realy anything special, half of classes can run fast or kite and they dont shift .

Been like that for some time now , but at least in pvp u still have option to go bear and be somehow tankier, without any dmg tho .

Its not just for ferals ,its for every form iirc .

Cant speak for others , but i like bears xd

But i guess there realy isnt a right choice. U either keep druid the way he is, where u sit in your spec form most of the time , or u make it shapeshifting again, both ways someone will be happy and someone will be sad.

If i were to choose, despite me loving my bear, i think the right call is to make it shapeshifter again, cuz thats makes sense and thats how it started

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