Click to move keeps turning itself on when I log in

I keep having to turn it off when I log in (usually the next day after a PC restart but sometimes twice in the same day).

I’ve tried resetting my WTF and Interface files, I am not using any addons and it is still doing it. I really do not want to have to reinstall as I don’t have the fastest internet. Is anyone else having this issue? It’s annoying to having to keep turning it off when I log in.

Either you have some permission troubles, or you’re just not loggigng out properly (stuff like that happens to me when I disconnect usually). Are you the kind of person who hits alt+F4 to close the game?

Thanks for the reply. I’m not someone who alt F4s out of the game. I usually press the exit game button and don’t wait the 20 seconds if that counts?

I may just have to do a full reinstall as I have tried googling the issue and it seems like no one else has the problem so it must be something on my end.

I have the exact opposite problem in that it keeps switching off. Can happen without even exiting

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