Cloak pvp talent

Idk why need nerf cloak pvp talent. I mean assa…
sub have 2 vanish, 2 shadow dance, can more cc on anyone.
Outlaw have short evasion, short vanish, short sprint, and more mobility.
Assa What have ? 1 evasion in 2 min? Rly ? In s3 was rly good spot i think. But not like dh,ww,ret,boomie etc…
I think need for assa more deff, this insane… What can we Do in arena when we faced melee team? 2 min evasion 2 min vanish ? And other dps have burst on 1 or 1:30 cd…
Thanks blizzard everything rly…


Don’t think cloak with evasion was a good idea to begin with.
One spell doing too much too good.
Sublety also needs to lose the second vanish btw… Or the cdr on it… Or the absorb shield if talented (again, one spell doing too much too good).

Having said that, having an addition defensive cd or feint not ruining your dmg(by stealing energy or reducing dmg if Sublety) would be nice… Maybe the talent that gives it a second charge could reduce energy cost instead so people stop playing the rng cheat death talent.

Don’t really play outlaw so idk.

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other specs like Warri, dh, ww have just too much when it comes to the deffensive toolkit

but when it comes to Ww monk, he will also lose Dampen harm in the next expansion

Many classes needs to be tuned down, when it comes to the Survivability, In Shadowlands most of the specs had not enough deffensive Talents and now they have too many

i think it´s the right decision to Nerf Cloak but yeah Assa Survivability is a joke compared to Sub/Outlaw

i wish every class would be as squischy as Assa/Feral That way we wouldn’t have long dampening games against broccoli comps + immortal dps

or shadowy duel


The only thing rogues need is feint being a usefull button to press again.

Cloak talent was super toxic to play against has there is nothing you can do.


Givin rogue bubble was a bad idea to begin with.


Just give us back our damn sprint talent. How did they “improve pvp talents” by basically making all of them worse except one and then removing that one talent…

I love how the talent that is left still just removes the entirety of deathmark as well.


No they should nerf the other two specs defensives not buff sin…
Currently most rogues just use defensives during their go because they know it will be very hard to punish that so just cloak during go and if there is an issue just vanish or cheat death will save you or or… and its not fun.
If you force feral to use SI you will probably win in the next go because there is nothing else to do then to afk in bear form and question your life choices.

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Learn to do what rogues have been doing since 2004?
Kite and run.
Trning rogues into brawlers was a bad decision on Blizzard, now they are fixing it.

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Rogue was meant to be hit and run. Now just face tank, wth

Kite how exactly?

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It is a bit harder to kite now because aside from Enhancement every melee outclasses Rogue specs in terms of mobility (well, Outlaw is the exception). If you look at Assa, you cannot kite a WW, you cannot kite a DH, you cannot kite a Ret, you cannot kite a Warrior, you cannot kite a Feral, you cannot kite a SV, you cannot kite a DK. What remains ?

In the not so distant past some of these specs didn’t have so much mobility/ranged damage you could kite, so running was a viable strategy. Now, you can only really escape with Vanish (2min CD), or if they let you. And if they don’t, you won’t escape so you might as well brawl so that you at least deal damage instead of doing nothing productive by kiting classes with infinite mobility.

Removing the ability to trade cooldowns in the fight ('cause I mean Cloak is 2mins it isn’t like you had permanent immunity) while not giving ways to escape the fight means that… you just die in there ? Mmh.


This was a super bad idea in the first place.

Evasion (as advertised in the tooltip) during cloak would have been bad, but full immunity (what this talent is) during cloak was even worse.

Yes, assa is much squishier than sub and outlaw, but that doesn’t justify the existence of a talent that is bad for the game. Assa, if needed, should be fixed separately, and this talent will hopefully be removed (at least on the PTR it is)

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Just give a decent defensive talent in the assa tree to make feint cost next to no energy and it’ll be good I think.

Currently you can only use it if you got bleeds rolling or you lose all of your momentum.

I like the fact Assa has arguably the worst offensive cooldown in the entire game and they decided whilst nerfing the CoS talent to leave in a counter to it…for reasons.

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All correct. It’s part of the bigger “homogenisation” meta. Now it’s impossible to tweak the playstyle of a single spec/class without having to look at ALL other classes ( in terms of mobility, uptime and active/passive damage mitigation in this case).
This was the same discussion with the caster vs meele mobility, does a caster need to get deleted if a meele reaches him? If so, does meele mobility need to be turned down?
We are too deep in the almost 99% uptime PvE dps and cooldown trading meta now, either a complete PvP rework is needed, or might as well have all meele and all casters be the same class but with different Spell Icons.

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