Hey, i’m currently struggling to find any way of duplicating action bar or action button with binding and can’t find any way or addon for such simple thing. I have my all action bars at the bottom of interface but i also have some skills similar to weakauras that i want to track at the middle of the screen, the main problem that i want to keep keybinding text on both action bar in the bottom and middle. if i’m using WA with custom text they are loosing internal built-in blizzard animation that i would like to keep and I can’t configure it in the same way or need to be put a lot of efforts. If i’m using the macro with custom text - i’m loosing the same animations. The easiest way to find some addon to put custom text on particular action button or fully clone action button but i can’t find anyting. Any ideas? Thanks
Finally, probably it will be helpful for someone, i was able to do that but put same skills in 2 different action bars and assign custom text using custom .lua, because within wow you can’t assign same hotkey for 2 buttons and it doesn’t matter they have the same spell or not. The code for custom hotkey/text below:
local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
local function ModifyRangeIndicator()
-- Selecting the button where you want to set custom text, current action panel 6, button 1
local button = _G["MultiBar5Button1"]
if button then
local hotkey = button.HotKey
if hotkey then
-- set any custom text here
hotkey:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event)