Dear People
As you know, it is confirmed that the TBC servers will turn into WOTLK and there will be no TBC server any more. I’m strongly against this and suggest the cloning system that we know from Classic and TBC. Did Classic just vanish when TBC came out? No, and Classic will still be there when WOTLK comes out. It’s just TBC that will vanish and I don’t like that.
With cloning your character, you have the opportunity to play your favourite version of WoW, or all of them. And yes, some think TBC was the best expansion. What if Blizzard decides to overwrite WOTLK with Cataclysm someday? And what about private server players who came back to official Classic? Did they expect Classic to vanish in such short time again? Shutting down TBC just makes a bad example. It shows that Classic could vanish anytime. Even though the initial plan was to keep it all alive through the cloning system. Surely, we need cloning and eternal version eras. I really don’t wanna lose my progress in TBC where I’m slowly farming high end gear currently. I don’t want it to end before I’m even full geared. And I wanna play both TBC and WOTLK. I wanna keep farming my arenapoints in TBC while lvling my clone to 80 on WOTLK.
If you’re also for the cloning system and a TBC era, then please use the feedback feature on the launcher to let Blizzard know. Just click on the symbol on top left and then “Send Feedback”.
Blizzard claimed that if enough people would write a feedback, they’d think about it. The cloning system is great, so let’s keep it going.
Just type “tbc servers turning to wrath of lich king” on google and many sources will show up.
Thanks for make this topic for support TBC ERA. I’m write today in support from Battle net application too.
Then you two can play TBC era
be sure to pick diff faction and same server 
don’t you think it’s most probable that more people want a tbc era if we two already want it? or do you think we’re the only ones? x)
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We without a doubt need TBC servers.
Have you actually seen how many people play on Classic Era realms? Blizzard would be very lucky to fill one TBC era realm to 25% of capacity.
And no, it won’t be different for TBC era.
And? … If people have fun, then let them!
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+1 for TBC era, its the best expansion.
Gr8 post. We need more support on this!! Tbc is by far one of the best WoW expansions, would be sad to have to play it on private servers again…
+1 for this
Knowing that my progress will be invalidated without way to preserve my characters makes me wanna quit right now.
It’s more of a cost issue than letting people enjoy themselves.
How many subs do you think would cover the expenses for two servers?
And if the cost was such an issue they would have increased the sub by now.
I am not saying that they should do it for free.
In order to filter out the people who want to keep copy of their characters on a TBC era server, I would be happy to pay a fee again, like it was for classic era.
If it was the issue, they could have made fewer servers in Classic Era long ago. That’s why I think that’s not the issue here. It’s rather the trouble or the costs of the cloning procedure.
Fine with me if they want to charge for a cloning to TBCC Era - but per account, not per character 
People who bought glaives + t6 for 100k gold (~1k euro on g2g) definitely need tbc era
Hello, blizzard, time to support your dearest customers
I have no idea but remember the amount they pay is not just for a single version of the game, it covers Retail, Classic Era and SoM and TBC Classic.
The cost isn’t restricted to the cost of the Servers but the support of both the Technical side and the players on them. And Blizzard do not just want to break even.
servers cost nothing when you realize that blizzard is the biggest gaming company which taxes you monthly. maintaining some servers are very low cost, which is not the problem anyway. blizzard officially confirmed that they WANT all the tbc players in wotlk “so as much players as possible play wotlk” was their statement. and i’m against exactly that. i’m for a tbc era and the cloning system we saw from classic and tbc.
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Pure and utter BS if you ask me. I wanna play both. Ofc I’m gonna play Wrath, but I’m switching my main to Holy Pala after playing Holy priest, and I wanna keep my priest on TBC so I can still do the occasional raid.