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It’s 2% mastery and Windfury totem, traditionally Windfury totem was considered the single biggest raid buff in the game. It’s not that anymore, but it’s still a strong buff If you’re running a certain number of melee, particularly if you run an Arms Warrior.

I think in DF the Windfury totem raid value was directly correlated with how good Arms Warrior was.

Read what blizz has to say about it. And WHY we have Skyfury in the first place.

Its an observation.

Not an opinion.

How is that a “bad take?”

And after that, then read what I wrote about raid buffs in general :

And there is your explanation as to why it dosent matter what it does to the shaman itself. it ONLY matters what it does to others.

I think u need to go outside and touch grass, or maybe go to my cave where u send me. U can put it as much as u want the skyfury buff is almost the best in the game by far. So be silent and go outside.

I may be wrong and please do correct me if this is the case, but if I as Protection Warrior use Battle Shout, doesn’t it buff me less than what it does on damage-dealing specializations? So Battle Shout as Prot Warrior is less beneficial to me than to Arms or Fury, just like Skyfury is less beneficial to Ele and Resto than to Enhancement.