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Mastery does a lot more than affect auto attacks.



Elemental Shaman gets this from the mastery buff:
+0.56% Elemental and Physical Damage
+1.875% Chance to trigger a second cast

Any Mage spec gets 5% (it’s actually more btw) increased damage and healing for themselves AND their team.

Druids get 3% increased damage and 1.5% damage reduction for themselves AND their team.

Shaman gets a pitiful 0.56% x2, do you see the numerical issue here?

Shaman also has a major raid boosting ability in [Bloodlust], a Priest for example has [Power Word: Fortitude] and [Power Infusion] which is not quite the same as a full raid haste increase. Mages of course have [Arcane Intellect] and [Time Warp], I think it’s important to make use of the Shaman buff either way as it all adds up in a boss fight ^_^.

This examples are pointless, number one because the actual value of Stamina and Intellect are way higher than mastery, and second because the percentage increases are twice of what the Shaman gets
That’s what I’m saying.

And yes Mage is OP as usual but that’s another topic, I just want Shaman to be equal to other classes.

Shaman has been a ‘decent’ class for some time. I would take any specialization Shaman in a raid group if they were adequately geared and knew how to play their class. My example is valid, you have simply made a post on your opinion that the Shaman buff is useless, yet, any stat increase
 is an increase, Mastery will increase every classes damage or healing.

In the context I have used Mage as a class it is not another topic, it is this topic. They have a buff, the same as many other classes but they also have a MAJOR raid boosting ability. I would be a little hesitant to say the Shamans raid buff is useless. Try this
Do not buff your group with [Skyfury] for some games and then use the buff, check with players if they notice it or not and also check your own HPS/DPS meters to see if they notice. Why the talent was removed as a standard talent (pvp talent I think it was) is not something I am interested in.

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For enh it is not really. It gives 4% elemental damage, which increases our total damage by more than 3%, ignoring the WF part.

For elemental it gives 1.1% elemental/physical damage increase and 3.7% overload chance. From what I understood you just thought that it gives a single point of mastery, but it gives two (which is a good 1-2% damage buff).

That is not the intention of this discussion post.

Again this is subjective and irrelevant.

No it’s not, and I clearly explained why.

Yes, except way less than other classes, that’s why I’m asking for balance.

Indeed, for Enh is decent, but as I already mentioned on the first post, this is for the other 2 specs

This is exactly what I call negligible, again, compare this pitiful 1% buff buff to Arcane Intellect, Mark of the Wild, Chaos Brand, etc

Well you didn’t really understand then, because I clearly stated it on a previous post:

My point is that 2 of the 3 specs don’t really benefit from the buff, and it isn’t a universal buff like Stamina or Vers which all classes appreciate, it’s very niche and we’ve been living in a caster meta for years.

So again, my suggestion is to make it increase spell speed.

Hyperbole alert. Useless would mean it made no difference if you cast it or not. It clearly makes a difference.

Up to 6% more healing on my rshaman, what’s not to like?

Not sure why you’re comparing it to other classes’ buffs, but given the uneven usefulness and increase in the mastery effect offered across a whole raid, maybe you want more consistency, which is largely why they designed it to offer the mastery the way it did not a flat increase. But:

what does that mean? You want it to increase haste instead? Or you want to design it around your spec’s spell speed or something else? Why are we designing it around your spec when 2 of 3 of the shaman specs get plenty from it.

I understand your spec might not get as much as you want from it, but it’s a raid buff, and you do gain something from it, even if it’s not as much as you’d like. It’ll affect different classes and specs differently but every class and spec, ALL of them, gain something from the buff
 can’t say that about all raid buffs can we?

Far from useless.


Omg, as a strength class I feel so angry at the mage intellect buff, aaaarg the rage, so upset, useless I tell you! What were the devs even thinking?! Only 3 classes benefit from it and a couple of healer specs

Ooooh the tragedy

Now I present you this:

h ttps://

Obviously it says “windfury totem” but the bonus attack is the same effect. They basically added a 2% mastery so all the spell casting classes get a little something out of it, unlike the intellect buff


I made an Ele Shaman the other day and realised that you pretty much can set yourself up to need to have 5 things active.

  1. New party/raid buff
  2. Lightning Shield
  3. Flametongue weapon
  4. Thunderstrike Ward (new shield buff that random procs on lightning/chain lightning)
  5. Earth Sheild

You just change the Thunderstrike Ward for Windfury Weapon for Enh Shaman.

Most classes/specs just deal with a single buff if they even have one.

I cba with Shaman now.

6% more healing is 30k extra healing on a 500k healing spell and that’s assuming you get 100% benefit from your mastery which is never gonna happen, it’s absolute trash

Because raid buffs must be compared to raid buffs, what else should I compare it with?

That’s straight up false, the only one getting benefit is Enhancement, the other 2 are getting a miserable 1% increase which compared to what other classes get from their raid buffs, is not balanced.

Again this freaking mentality of “it’s better than nothing” fock no, it’s not better than nothing when literally every other raid buff benefits the caster way more.

Here you demonstrate that you haven’t read the first post, this is about the buff for the Shaman itself, not about the other specs who benefit from it.

I never said it was useless for every class, I said it’s useless for 2/3 specs of the Shaman, you guys never read the OP do you?

How to say you can’t read without saying you can’t read
This is about the buff FOR THE SHAMAN HIMSELF not for the others. Next time before trying to be sarcastic you should make sure that you actually understand what we are talking about, otherwise you look like an idiot :slight_smile:

Just stop playing 


Possibly someone has answered this, but the tooltip that says “2% mastery” is false. Skyfury, which replaced Windfury totem, gives the equivalent of “2 full units of Mastery rating for your specialization”, in addition to its 20% autoattack buff. So for us at level 70 it gives the equivalent of 2*185.29 = 370.58 mastery rating, which translates to different percentage buff for each specialization.

So for me as Resto Shaman (Mastery: Deep Healing), it changes my Mastery percentage from +68.9% to +74.9%. But as Enhancement (Master: Enhanced Elements) it changes it from +43.7% to +47.7%


haha quite funny because I re-read your topic title when writing the ‘Shaman has been a ‘decent’ class for some time.’ and thought
 he is not talking about the whole Shaman class only the buff. Anyway

If you are playing as a Shaman and can buff the group to give additional damage and healing then try and see it in a little bit more positive light, I would prefer the class has a buff (as a caster) than not. There is also the 20% chance for an auto-attack to strike again
 I mean that isn’t bad and is useful for melee. That may actually be where the % loss comes from. Not completely sure on Rogues using Slice and Dice but that is quite a nice little combo boost for them as well.

Take a look at Warriors, they give an Attack Power buff
 casters will not benefit from it and that can be a lot of members within the raid. I understand you want the [Skyfury] buff to the buffed
 and this is reasonable with your comments in comparison to other classes. It is important to keep in mind not all classes have Heroism which is something many people will invite you into a group for the ability alone.

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Can you link me to all other class buff stat increases?

Maybe just rename the title itself? It is kinda misleading tbh.
Raid buff is a raid buff meaning it is meant for your entire group so they probably balancing around that and not the class itself. Take for example the evoker raid buff. Is it that good for the evoker itself, who already has a bunch of ways to go faster? Probably not, but the entire group benefiting from it and that’s what matters.
Also shaman already has a lot of utility and buff that is good for itself as well. I’m surprised they got this one in the first place.


Shammy raid buff gives considerably more value than say the hunter raid buff which is a 1% dmg buff over the fight on ONE target. Shammy buff is very very good

Link to someone who’s done the maths:

Don’t have that info, just happened to see that shaman chart and misread the OP a bit :stuck_out_tongue: