Cloth class for PvP...?

I’m completely lost and need guidance from a few pro PvPers…

I’m pretty new to casters and am almost done leveling my last cloth class (Mage), but I am VERY split about which caster is best suited for me going forward. Hopefully people in here can help me out :slight_smile:

I’m not interested “what the current meta is” because I want this class to be a “permanent main” going forward. I assume there is a “general idea” about which class usually perform well at most times? :slight_smile:

The primary way I pick my classes is in whether they perform well in Arena and 1v1 duels (WPvP). Especially in WPvP.

Here is what I have gathered so far, and just know that I may be off about how I think they are… I’m here for advice after all hehe.

Shadow Priest
Probably my favorite fantasy of the 3. Feels VERY complicated to play in PvP and doesn’t feel like it was designed for PvP.

I hear people say it is “meta” in SL, but having tried it on PTR it still feels much like BFAs Priest, except for Void Eruption being a 2min CD instead of “gotta charge it up first” spell. Oh and there is an extra “dmg/heal” spell that seems good for self healing…

I get the feeling that people who main Shadow in PvP, are GODLIKE in their skills, which is the only reason they can make it work in that environment… Am I wrong or have I just not understood how to play Shadow in PvP hehe? :sweat_smile:

It feels to me that Mage and Lock are just more suited towards PvP. I get the feeling that Disc is “the PvP spec” for Priest, and Shadow is a “in case you wanna DPS in PvE content” type spec.

I have yet to try a 1v1 duel on Mage, but so far it feels as if it would do well. LOT’S of roots and slows that are available nearly at all times because of short CDs, which means that no matter how long the fight is, a Mage can continuously keep going.

The problem I have with Mage is in its “squishyness”… I don’t know if it is because I’m still leveling my Mage (lvl 118 atm), or if the Mage “just is” a class that REQUIRE you being good at CC to control the fight. Compared to Lock he seems to die VERY fast.

Mage feels like it would demand that you as a PvPer are capable at understanding the deeper level of PvP and how to counter specific classes, and that there is LITTLE room for mistakes or you die…

Destro Warlock
This class I have the most experience with since he was my first cloth class. From what I have noticed with Lock, is that he is basically a stationary turret with no mobility (unless you play Affliction), but also has A LOT more armor than Mage to take that extra punishment.

Where as the Mage has lots of roots and slows, Lock seem to have gotten stuns and fears instead. I have no idea which is better for PvP… roots/slows or stuns/fear…? Maybe someone can answer that :slight_smile:

What confuses me is that I mainly see Mage in Arena between these two classes, but what I don’t know is whether Lock is considered a 5/10 and Mage 10/10, or if it’s 9/10 and 10/10. Because I know “hardcore players” have a tendency to play a class if it has a 1% edge over another class…

With that said…
Could I get some general feedback on my view on the classes? :slight_smile: And what would be recommended in 1v1s and Arena, from a more permanent point of view? :slight_smile:

I think u can go with mage

Mages have been bad in like 3-4 seasons out of 29 total so I think you’re pretty safe going with mage

Thats basically Mage in a nut shell… unless you can quickly overwhelm someone with dmg, something Fire can currently do. But thats going to change in Shadowlands, being good at controlling the match is core to being a good Mage… in 8.3 you can get away with not being very good at this due to Fire and comps like MLX and RMPala. But as I said, with Shadowlands people wont have this crutch anymore so you wont be able to get away with not having good control.

Thank you for shedding some light on that :slight_smile: I wasn’t sure if “control” was a necessity to be a good Mage. From what you tell me it is.

I probably won’t pick up Mage then. Don’t get me wrong, I think Mages are amazing and probably some of the best in PvP… IF you know how to CC really well :slight_smile: And that’s not me hehe.

Well its down to what you value, Mage is very rewarding when you get competent at it and is very satisfying but you have to put the work in. Destro is probably the easiest to pick up and play of the 3 imo. But i’d say play which ever you feel you’d enjoy the most, any class works if you put the work in and gain alot of skill with it.

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Priest - only 1 dps spec
Mage vs locks - i feel like locks specs feel different from each other. Pet class/ dot class/ destro while mages are more similar in gameplay. Also if you consider world pvp locks eat mages alive.

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warlock and mage always have some form of spec which performs well regardless of level of play, destro having a track record of two shotting people since atleast mists of pandaria*

If this expansion was to go off anything if you intend on mostly playing with healers you might favor warlock over mage

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Historically, if you want to play DPS, the most viable classes have been Warlock, (Rogue) and Mage.

Especially when it comes to Mage the specs are all very similar. Affliction and Destruction are quite different. While not a cloth class, for Rogues the specs are somewhat similar, especially nowadays.

So if you want to find a playstyle and be sure that you can be viable with it year in and year out without having to change all that much (even if changing specs), you probably want to go with Mage. The playstyle will in that case be (to some extent) control + squishy + burst.

Second best option is Warlock but then you will have to swap between “control + tanky + burst” and “control + tanky + rot” depending on which spec is the best (Affliction or Destruction).

Both classes do have a relatively high skill floor though.

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