Clown fiesta in pvp again

This is starting to get ridiculous from Blizzard. This is already the third time a season launch is full of bugs—and not just minor issues that people forget because the gameplay makes up for it. We’ve been through that over the past 20 years. But at this point, it’s becoming unbelievable to me that they can’t even manage a proper rework. Because of this, every MM Hunter can now one-shot everything in the world through all defensive cooldowns in just two seconds.

And let’s not even talk about gear recrafting—those who exploited this bug not only got to keep their advantage but even gained extra benefits, while Blizzard is completely incapable of making their own game fair. How long will this continue? I won’t even mention the fact that raid bosses are getting one-shotted. It’s time to seriously consider whether the employees and leadership actually understand their job.

This is a service we pay for monthly, on top of every expansion. I can’t believe that with all the money they’ve earned, this is the best a company of this size can deliver. How much longer will this go on? I will never subscribe for six months in advance again, and the next time I see a similar injustice, I will immediately cancel my subscription because this game has burned every last chance with me.