Clutter in the UI

I will never understand why there isnt an option to hide/ignore buffs/debuffs, what knowlege do I get from knowing the enemy has 100% increased Reputation towards Dornagal, 10% xp increase, or anyother buff that doesnt really mean anything in regards to PvP ? There are even shirts that give out buffs with flavor text.
There are also Debuffs with that say "%target is taking %percentage damage from (insert name here) , or the 20 minute owl debuff that cant be dispelled nor anything.
Who cares about those ?

Another thing Iā€™d like to mention.
Pets everywhere.
Just stop this BS, its not fun for the hunter/warlock and its not fun for the players against them.

Make the game comprehensive at least the bare minimum, PLEASE. The buffs and procs of my target reach the middle of my screen for Gods sake.

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