Cockroach mounts

Why are the cockroaches are not having their mount yet.

I mean, there is a cockroach vendor in Undercity since Vannila, but still we don’t have mounts.

Why the only insect mount we got was bee? Horde should get cockroach which is an equivalent IMO.

Blizzard please consider the above.

I agree we should have a roach mount but you are wrong about only insect mount .

this for example

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Fascinating! So many insects!!

Really is some nice mounts out there now i get why they gave undeads horses but roaches would have been fun too as they can fly maybe one day we will get one .

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i love insect mounts. the freakier and whackier the better.


in general we could use a wider range of mount types. its kind of always the same and then we get 50 recolours of them. there are so many cool and cute animals and its always the same boring crap we get.


Ah, I remember when his wife asked me to find him and take his ring so that her soul could leave their house and finally rest in peace.

But yes, the Forsaken need a cockroach mount.

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I’d totally dig a cockroach mount.
I’m a huge insect nerd.
I’d also like a jumping spider, stick insect, heck go all out and give us an orchid mantis too!

Please Blizz :crying_cat_face:

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We need more spiders!

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Gnomes are the cockroaches of wow.


Why there is no Gnomes mount?

Just wish they could climb walls or do long distance jumps .


No cockroach mounts. I can barely stand them as pets, let alone mounts. Also you are bound to trigger someone’s phobia with it seeing as they are more common than spiders.


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