- Would be nice to have the remainder of tier 2 drop for coins
2)make coins to drop from level 40 plus quests, so catch up isn’t so “group dependent”.
While finding groups is ok now… I sense this will be an issue in a month or two.
2)make coins to drop from level 40 plus quests, so catch up isn’t so “group dependent”.
While finding groups is ok now… I sense this will be an issue in a month or two.
Probs gotta wait for next phase to get full T2 in coins.
It’s already a great catch-up mechanic and even on SoD I don’t think anyone should be able to get full T2 without stepping foot on a single BWL.
Don’t worry about grps, people will always run dungeons, no matter the phase.
LFM BWL. 1k GS minimum
BWL is coin rushed like MC. There is little to no requirement to get in…
BWL is much harder to pug than MC, especially on the black week, and it has a paywall of 200-500g in the form of Onyxia scale cloak. Also everyone just reserves the tokens that are not on the vendor, which the loot distribution does not account for, so the small chance of getting it is just not worth the trouble
I’ve pugged it several times the past few weeks on fresh-ish alts and it’s not hard to get in.
With your T1/T2 set bought via coins and a couple weap/trinket/rings from ZG (easy to pug especially if you SR gear rather than idoles) you get in easily.
None of my alts had the cloak since it was too expensive, I just went and hid behind the throne like 10 other alts/fresh players.
You can even grab some WB to ease your way into the raid and sometimes get a bonus SR for that.
As to people SR’ing the same gears, well nothing new under the sun.
Sorry to say but that’s some very feeble arguments. Giving everything for free isn’t good game design. Having catch-up mechanics from one phase to the other is important but there needs to be a balance between the two.
Farming scholo/strat every day for 2 weeks and be full pre-bis Naxx doesn’t seem right.
i’d rather see the class weapon from BWL and the PvP STV gear available through coins than the rest of the T2.
SoD is officially just a big PTR, and on PTR you can just buy all the loot from the previous phases for gold. Of course this is just a figure of speech but I hope you catch my point.
BWL loot is not some high value sought-after gear that should be locked behind effort. It became obsolete months ago when people started clearing the raid that came before the raid that we have now also fully cleared. Yes some classes use 2 pieces of it but that’s not because it’s good gear, it’s because it gives OP set bonuses due to oversight by the devs.
Also bought for undermine real =/= free
I get what you mean but I don’t really agree with it. It’s a beta maybe but not a PTR.
And in a beta you play the game as is intended.
Quite a few classes still have their 4p T2 as bis even now. Even more so when out of Naxx and the sanctified mechanic.
Making ZG set more easily accessible is more of a priority to me than the full T2.
That set is bis for quite a few classes and having to up to exalted + farming the trinket is boring on alts.
It’s not so much free as accessible without doing the content.
It makes sense that in order to have good gear you have to play the game somehow. Getting full raid geared without doing any raid isn’t right. But we shouldn’t have to run BWL 10 times before pretending to knock on Naxx doors either.
Why don’t you just file a request at Blizz asking them for the entire T2 set as soon as you create a new character. That would be even faster and you clearly deserve that!
…What is the point of raiding if you could farm the tier set from lvl 40 quests onwards
Instant gratification Andy
you have no business collecting tarnished reals until you hit lvl 60 (or at least 50+ since BRD is the earliest dungeon you can do) don’t be ridiculous.
when blizzard expands the available items on the real vendor you simply have to be ready to dedicate some time to running them while the “event” is hot.
if you wait for weeks after the stock-up of the real vendor items, you’re gonna miss it because people will be done farming what they want after a short time
i am all for stocking up the tarnished real vendor with more stuff, but lets not weasel in unneeded changes like being able to farm coins in SM and up.
you got wild offerings for lvl 40-50 you can farm for some decent starter gear, and then supplement that stuff with coin gear once you start running end-game dungeons.
i mean, at some point its like “why don’t you just say it; you want a boost”?
i wouldn’t even mind if lvl 50+ quests awarded coins on completion, but to ask for that at lvl 40 is a bit cringe bro.
if blizzard want people to run dungeons, they gotta make it attractive.
there was a big spike in dungeon activity when 4x t2 and full t1 was added, but obviously with the reduction in price to buy these, that didn’t last long.
maybe the next step in the “tarnished real vendor evolution” is to add all the AQ profession recipes for like 40-50 reals each, add ZG idols/dolls for 20-ish reals each.
perhaps they could even add a couple of BWL class trinkets for say 50 reals each and you’d still be required to do the quest related to the “unfinished” trinket.
I. MIGHT. EVEN. BE. WILLING to tolerate 2-3 pieces of T2.5 on it for around 50 reals each as well.
this is how you get people to spam dungeons, at least for a while.
It’s not about instant gratification, it’s about keeping flow and progression going through the game, as newer content comes out.
So alts, newer players and catch-up/returning players aren’t spending most their time “looking for group” while the majority are storming ahead with the new content with all their premade groups and guilds.
As it stands MC is fairly active and getting a group isn’t too difficult, neither is getting a group for strat (largely because people want dem remnants)… But if we want to sustain the player base… Decent catch up mechanics are needed, esp since many of us are older gamers now with other responsibilities… Cant spend an hour looking for a group!
I think they should do it other way. Don’t add everything for coins. Just make a possibility to buy it with some little amount of gold, when you complete t0,5 quest chain. It’s a really cool chain, if you do it you invested a lot of time and gold to your character. Make all t1 and t2 just buyable for gold at t0,5 vendor. Also it makes it easier to gear up for the off-specs - because you unlock gear for any spec without additional undermine real cost. It won’t destroy BWL raid because (a) people will still go there for trinckets (b) this chain is long and many people will prefer to go to BWL instead of doing it, but if you have time you can do it and get all t2 you want without competition.
Also, can add an additional quest to this chain for unlocking t1/t2 gear (such as, kill ragnaros or kill nefarian, after completing all t0,5 chain, or resources turn-ins such as lava core or elementium ore thats not expencive now, but will give it some cost with this change)
Only tanks need cloak.
I just want Coins to be BoA
you can just farm dungeons out on mains and pass em over to alts for the T1/T2 so you arent going into a dungeons feeling like a wet noodle compared to the people rocking good gear
Nightmare dragons were made easier to kill and now award t2 pieces and t2.5. As well as other items.
They might actually be worth killing now.
Just hide behind the throne.
I had that cloak on for less than half of my neffy kills