Collecting Appearances in The War Within

“Out of things to do”… and here am I swamped with stuff to do, and I only play this character keeping in mind I’m an avid collector. :roll_eyes:

Seems you got zero regards to player burnout which causes people to stop playing. I’ve burnt out meself taking year long breaks…

Thank you for the update.

Whilst we’re on the topic of transmogs. I do hope to see, someday, very soon-… Armor type restriction transmog wise being removed. How cool it would be a warlock in full deathknight plate?

Given we have the base game plus nine expansions worth of content to collect things from, you need to have a LOT of time on your hands to get all the items.
(MoP Remix is put aside here, since it fast-tracked a lot of things in terms of acquisition.)

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Transmog is just one aspect of the game, and a small one for most players.

THANK YOU, from the bottom of all roleplayers hearts, thank you so so much. (even if we already were going to run our 50+ alts through the stuff anyhow xD)

Big WIN, thanks for the news Kaivax

Awesome news, thank you very much for the update!

I agree and until this warband system I never even bothered to collect the other transmogs for cloth, leather or mail.

Now I am running dungeons and raids I’ve not done in years because I have reason to. So in contrast to the claims it is giving players more to do. Not less. Because we can run them on our mains.


Time to finally finish Legion then!

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Big W. For you guys

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Very good decision!

Yeah that is true but there is also the argument of making collecting too easy for the collectors.

Afterall its not the raiders and mythic+ers which keep the game active in down periods.

They also pretty much killed off alt leveling for a lot of people with remix.

I wonder what they have planned for the future in terms of keeping people interested as right now they are removing everything as options.

Everyone will be in TWw content and only TWw content and if that content lacks like previous expansions it will impact the game nrgatively


Thank YOU Mr. Deluxe!

Do you realize how many thousands of hours of playtime are required to unlock everything from just 1 expansion even with this change?

My playtime is in the tens of thousands of hours and ATT (AllTheThings addon, a completionist addon) says I have only done 20% of the game for my class alone!

Massive amounts of FOMO. If you think we’ve had it bad… we have only seen the tip of the iceberg.


This is great news! I suppose going into raids that drop tier pieces won’t feel like a partial waste of time anymore. Pretending like I was planning to go full clear them anytime soon on a regular basis :rofl: but anyways after 0.5 I actually might if there’s nothing better to do… until then there’s plenty of other instances to go to.

I hope it’s not much long for we wait. Since we are enjoyed~
If TWW released and a bit weeks later and little patch and we can finally time run old raids!

Very nice, the upcoming Expansion looking very good. Thank you.

Now this is QoL stuff I can get behind…!

Do i have too logg in on all of my chars once so it updates or no?

Sry brain lagg

Like when you solo in old raids with your hunter class.
If sometimes gears had locked-class. Example rogue gear set dropped and your hunter cant appearance it…
Next patch our classes easy appearance every locked-classes’s gears.