Collecting mogs from other armor classes

I have like 7 / 8 mil but even I’m refusing to buy that last warband bank slot its just plainly stupid the price.

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Do you want a hug to feel better? :smiley:

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Because I’m not following every scrap of WoW news months in advance. I heard that the feature would unlock cross-armor type unlocks and didn’t even consider this ridiculous caveat, but it really should be expected.

This is the same company that after months of having random Corruption effects in BFA, brings out a vendor, but then puts the corruptions on a weekly rotation.


Its soulbound.

Hate that as well, but its better than nothing.
It saves me a lot of time figuring out which transmog pieces i already have & i dont have to send anything over to characters with the correct armor class to learn the appearances.

The whole prepatch and therefore tww is based on the idea of it is “better than nothing”. You can send some currencies but not all, the reputation is shared,but mostly not. There are some gears that can be learned and there are some that dont. There is a hero talent system that could have been simply just another column. There are plenty of bugs that has been reported earlier and didnt do anything about them. The only thing they went through 99% is the dynamicflight. So yeah we got something which is more than nothing…


I have both parts for the Windfury quest on my Druid. Can I now do the quest or can I not? Probably not since that would be fun.

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Always yes to hugs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And since mogs is prob the only thing which keeps me in wow, i could use a lots of hugs because we cant collect all and they STILL havent released that all armor classes can be mogged…
we have cloth, plate and bathing suits as cosmetic for all classes so why not let us mog other armor classes too /shrug

I guess if you don’t like the game…

It is flabbergasting indeed. They ALMOST got it right, but then just somehow still managed to miss a flawless “W”. People who want to collect transmogs for all classes will still have to run the raids that have class set item drops with multiple alts. :man_facepalming:


It also didn’t work on my staff (to learn as paladin) not sure why

i wonder if they will do anything about the issue its so dumb tbh


I noticed too.
But I’ll wait warbank open when I can send locked class gears at alts with classes
What I got gears from solo raids

Blizzard did say it’d work exactly like it does now. It sucks, but it works like intended.

still seems …redunant …
be easier just to be able to learn it…
i have a 0.000001 % hope that it might mean the mogs will open up for other armor classes and then just the class sets will be not able to mog unless you that class?

fix your game blizzard its was one of tww sellin points xd literally would take to run 1 raid with tierset that drop instead of tokens to find out about thios issue, is there anyone testing this before ?

I kept a ton of tier pieces for other classes only to realize that “soulbound items can not be put in the warbank”

Ahh blizzard, master of baiting and taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back
And nerf LEGACY raids from bfa and SL While youre at it.


The blizz special. I just wonder if it’s laziness or if they decided that transmog farming would be too fast if we could collect anything and the /played metrics would suffer.

I miss just one pice for lock in ulduar and its a pity i couldnt farm it with other chars.


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