Collecting mogs from other armor classes

It ONLY works on non class items…
why why why…
still means i need to run with all my alts to get their sets…

Why not just open it up so i can collect on ONE character…



Because of this and other short comings why i don’t consider this a flashed out new feature. The only thing I like about it is that you can send some currencies to other chars and pretty much thats it. I still have to play with my slow a** priest if i want to get a priest tmog.


I don’t want items to drop for a class I’m not playing, honestly.
Of course I’m biased because I basically only play hunter, but still…

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I don’t understand why Blizzard made it this way. Can’t it be like in gw2? A proper account bound currency tab. Oxx well it is what it is.

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Maybe a toggle option?
I looove collecting eventhough my main is a hunter. I love adding to my mogs.
And i hope one day they lift the limits so we can mog all.

Pretty bummed about not being able to collect on one char :unamused::roll_eyes::pensive:

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they’re so weird about these stuff. they BUTCHERED the entire fantasy over the years with all the updates but can’t let u farm class sets, they let u play horde alliance in the same guild but you can’t queue together. it’s so weird


Oh yes, I definitely agree with that. :blush:

so so weird

i am soo bummed… grr i want to collect all on the same char…

it+s a small step we can collect non class gear though… just wish they had went all the way…

The fact that this was one of the main selling points, I’m dumbfounded.


Yes this whole collect every transmog on 1 class is a big lie

They release a patch that is not finished. We cant collect all transmog yet and we cant open warbank. So what is the point of releasing this patch now?


I had that excaxt thought …

For farming legacy content, yes I want this change.


Because Fun Police Entertainment are incapable of adding a single feature into the game without ruining it on the spot.

This single limitation massively nerfs this feature as a whole, and being unable to farm other class’ sets, and farming sets is the main reason you’re farming legacy raids, is just a nebulous decision to make. I honestly didn’t know about it until I went into a legacy raid and then read up on how this works…

I really want them to comment on how this makes any sense, but they won’t.


They said when they first announced it what this would be the case.

Why are people even surprised?

Yeah they prob wont change it…eventhough the majority of legacy raids are to collect armor sets
Deep Siiigh

Dam bro cut me deep with this comment.

Also can’t you take said gear and send it to an alt that can wear it to unlock it?

No it’s soulbound gear, only the old tier tokens we had up until MoP are warbound. They went back to edit those, but not the most recent ones that are just regular items lol.

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yea kinda sad that i cant learn tiersets on my war, just ran tomb of sargeras and half of loot cant be learned…

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Kinda wild that actually so warbands is literally pointless lmao.


And it’s altso soo expensive…
I don’t got a million gold… im lucky if i can manage to stay above 150k…

Well hope they change to let us learn class sets…