Hi there, I just want know how will it work if I purchase the shadowlands collectors edition, I have already bought the shadowlands epic edition when it was announced, main question is how will the whole credit on balance work if I purchase it at a retailer?
The way I understand it is, if I’ve already purchased the epic edition of shadowlands then I won’t have to pay the full 119 bucks for the collectors edition right?
Not rly. I also bought the Epic edition when Shadowlands was first announced then I pre-ordered a physical Collectors from Amazon. Last week when my physical collectors came I simply redeemed the game key on my battle.net account and the money that I previously spent on the digital Epic edition was refunded to my battle.net account since that how it works. So if you dont want to spend extra just get a physical collectors.
Dostaniesz zwrot za pierwotnie kupioną edycję - tj. jeżeli była to Epic Edition to za epic, a jeżeli podstawka upgradowana później to tylko za podstawkę - w formie salda na koncie. Promocja na zwrot jest ważna tylko do 31 marca 2021.
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