Colossus Talents, thoughts?

We received earlier the Colossus talent tree for TWW:

From what I read, at least it’s not a Proc spec like Mountain Thane (thank god). It seems also that some of our concerns are taken into consideration (change of shockwave in the tree, adding a knockout effect to counter immune stun mobs).

I see again an emphasis to bleeds which makes me cringe…

I find it weird though that we will need a mandatory point in line 2 to get the last talent, seems that we will be channeled to some mandatory nodes…

What do you think? Better feeling or still not convinced?

Im afraid of how " demolish " would work. Its not clear if we can move or not. My other concern is how we get the Collosal might stack. Ms crits sound good for pve but for pvp would be underwhelming. The 2% dmg on overpower is boring and extremely low. The proc on second wind when hit is just bad design.
Considering how much they don’t invest in warrior comparing with rogue, the tree seems good .


Well not only by MS crit from what I read but the crit will double the stack ramp-up:

Colossal Might: Mortal Strike and Shield Slam grant a stack of Colossal Might . Colossal Might increases damage dealt by Demolish by 10% and stacks up to 5 times. Demolish consumes Colossal Might .

True Might: Mortal Strike and Shield Slam critical strikes grant an additional stack of Colossal Might .

For your second point, it seems we will be a pillar:

While channeling Demolish , you are grounded, making you immune to stuns and effects that move you.

Which definitely is a no go for Pvp & most Pve content…

To be honest, the only good thing I see for Pvp is the Ignore pain boost by 15%, otherwise it nothing interesting & when you compare to Trickster it is indeed a slap in the face…


I had the idea of making demolish a combo ability. Demolish will have 3 casts ( 1 initial cast and 2 recasts. Each cast will deal dmg and have some extra effects.This will make the rotation more interesting .
First cast : Strike ur target for a mediocre amount of dmg (like overpower’s dmg) and apply "Crippled “reducing the movement speed by 75% , reducing casting speed by 25% and attack speed by 50% for 8 seconds
Second cast: Break through the enemy’s defenses dealing dmg (Like Colossus smash) and apply " Shattered defenses”“reducing the enemy armor by a flat amount of 60% of ur strength and disables the target from dodge and block for 8 seconds
Third cast: Strike ur target for high amount of dmg (2 full rage executes dmg) in a cone behind the target ( 10 yards radius ) applying " Demolish” increasing the crit chance and critical dmg of mortal strike, cleave ,execute and bladestorm by 15% to affected targets for 8 secs.
Overpower will extend these debuffs for 4 seconds.
Anger management will contribute cd .1 sec for 20 (Arms)/10(prot) rage spent.
It will have a 1.5 min cd .
Time between recasts is 8 seconds.
Cooldown stats after the activitation of the final recast or 8 seconds if one recast is not pressed.
For protection replace overpower with revenge , bladestorm with ravager , cleave with thunder clap, mortal strike with shield slam.
That’s what I suggest for reworking demolish.

If Demolish is a rooted channel it seems like a terrible idea.

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Kinda fun gameplay at first sight but yet again we get buffs like test of might colossal smash avatar and do we need to use demolish wto line up with these or use it on cds kinda thing.
For me i don’t think arms needs more buttons.
I would like to it replace already excited ability in our kit eather demolish replaces colossal smash or execute for arms i berfer colossal mash, it makes alot of sense to replace it it would solve alot of problems arms it would give us some aoe to use 25~30 sec cd, make it powerful ability to click and fun to use especially if it have Fyrakk axe on use animations. We would never bother to when we use it kinda thing like colossal smash or warbreaker we kinda use it on cd for maximum dps. We finally see shadowlands cancelled set3 for arms it kinda plays like it you buff your next warbreaker with your abilities it would be similar playstyle and finally it would promote arms strength we would play full st build with ss talent or juggernaut talents without feeling bad of losing all aoe talents we kinda play like shadowlands we go full ham on st and we got some ways to deal with aoe without losing all ower dps , kinda fun gameplay loop of rage spending and compo point like demolish on top of it and if it intereact with anger management and behave like Colossal smash it would be extra extra fun rotation. We could feel like bfa arms warrior low cd spec if we can also not talent avatar arms could finally set free of cds and be the ultimate not cd depending spec.
This is my reasons for it to replace exsiting ability rather then extra button for arms they already did this with other hero talents such as ret-prot one for example. Do the same thing for arms prot please.
For protection warrior i don’t have much experience with it could replace demo shout or avatar i don’t see any reason to not to tbh as long as it have it original benefits of debuffing enemies for demo shout and it interaction with thunder clap talent shadowland legendary for demo shout cd reduction. I also don’t think protection more gcd to use we kinda have a lot of things to click from charge shield block thunderclap ignore pain avatar dragon rour etc kinda feel like preesing extra button would not feel like super excited thing to do as tank we already gcd locked kinda make sense that it replace exsiting ability just like arms one.
Thanks for giving us hero talents it looks kinda fun and i would love to see fun for our class we kinda get ignored in dragon flight let’s hope we don’t get similar treatment in next expansion. I had low expectations after mountain thane but arms prot one kinda fun playstyle but need some extra work as i suggested. This give me hope that maybe Slayer would turn out to have great hero talents :+1:t3:.

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Did someone checked, did we got some utility for m+? Cuz to play war at higher lvl than 20 it’s just reject simulator, I made this hunter, and found that it’s 1000 times easier to get into keys than warrior (even for survival)


It seems a big no for pvp too .

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Having lust and like 10x more in utility tends to do that

That’s I’m talking about, my main is warrior, but I can’t play him, because it doesn’t fit any affix in m+ and I must create another character to do this activity

You can still get into keys. The waiting period is just longer. Sure, you might not wait for like 15+ min but instead 5 if you play anything that has better utilities and or a lust. You also got to be geared for the key level and have the score. And of course, the higher the key level, the more some specs are sought after.

I mean, to some these 3 things are obvious. To some, its not. Some say they’re not getting into keys for weeks and then it shows that they’re 450-460ilvl, 1k rio with no main and trying to get into +18s and above and then blame the class/spec.

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