Coma separating large numbers?

On youtube I see a lot of people with comas separating thousands on their combat text. I don’t have that, is there any way I can enable it?

(Alternatively, if anyone knows an addon to straight up remove the last 3 digits of every number, I’m interested)

/run C_CVar.SetCVar("breakUpLargeNumbers", 1)

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This doesn’t seem to work, even after a /reload, even after relaunching the game :confused:

If you do this does it output 1?
/dump C_CVar.GetCVar("breakUpLargeNumbers")

Also, which combat text are you referring to, Blizzard FCT or something from an addon?

A message appears in the chat box:

Dump: value=C_CVar.GetCVar(“breakUpLargeNumbers”)

I am using Blizzard’s default UI for scrolling combat text and nameplates, but I was recently using large number separator addons (had to delete them because they caused bugs with vehicles). I am also currently using AdvancedInterfaceOptions.

Edit: I tried going on an other realm and making a trial toon with all addons disabled, still the command isn’t working. :confused:

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