Combating the Corruption and All Consuming

Combating the Corruption and All Consuming are the 2 achies I miss for Black Empire State of Mind meta and A Farewell to Arms meta

Combating the Corruption - after 150 kills of Faceless Tormentors in Vale, no Corrupted Tormentor spawned.
Does it spawn on the same location where you made last kill? Or it spawns in the water?
After killing most Faceless, you get a chat message from Faceless, however, sometimes you get chat message from N’zoth. Does N’zoth message means Corrupted version has spawned?

Does the Corrupted bloodsucker (shark in the sea) spawn in Uldum regardless of killing other mobs?

Does the Corrupted Tormentor in Uldum spawn regardless of killing other required mobs?

All consuming achie:

After flying for 3+ hours in Vale, and checking 3 known spots for Consuming maw, I’m still empty handed.

What should be the timer for the Consuming maw spawn?
Does the Consuming Maw ALWAYS trigger the quest?
Can you complete Consuming Maw if you have already completed the daily assault quest?

Any help is very much apreciated!

Good questions, I’d like to know too!

My best advice, which i found on wowhead is download “SilverDragon” addon and put corrupted enemy’s ID in the custom search. In that case, you can simply grind mobs and rely on this addon.

Corrupted mobs itself is also pretty noticeable, they have huge dark bubble around them.

Corrupted Tormentor is not corrupted version of Faceless Tormentors, its corrupted version of Tentacle Tormentor, to simply reassure yourself in this fact: Corrupted version is simply same mob model, but with dark shield around it and dark model.

As i can tell, corrupted enemies is simply have small chance to spawn instead of theirs common version, so its just grind. Since you don’t need them all, players can choose easiest to farm and etc.

And also, corrupted enemies can be found only in major invasion.
Same for consuming maw, only in major invasion. With consuming maw I had no problem finding it, you just need to look for huge toothy maw on the ground (usually in corrupted kinda “socket” on the ground with tentacles around) and click on it. After you inside, you will get encounter progress objective information.
May be there is same thing as with tumors achievement, you cant use the maw after you did invasion quest, but im not sure.