Coming Later This Year: Shadowlands Season 4

Shaking things up in raiding and mythic+ that’s nice… Suppose it could be fun going back to some old ones and I can even see value in doing Nathria again but for a whole season? I dunno. Also what about other players you know the ones that don’t do any of this? Just a regular old drought for them I guess.

Also these dungeons choices… just why? There’s tons available but you pick the worst ones :no_mouth: People even voting for Grimrail…


And hunters the legendary bow!

This boggles my mind completely. Did people forget what Grimrail is? Are they confusing it with any of the good dungeons?

You and me both, and I even raided in WOD, Highmaul and BRF was somewhat enjoyable, but the absolute state of the game made me drop it after clearing most of HFC on just heroic.

but muh mega dungeons

I hate it.
Canceling my sub.


Bad idea to implement something like grimrail depot for m+, it’s got the most votes but you really should tell those people they’re wrong to vote for it.


Some potentially interesting ideas, but the dungeon choices sound pretty awful, because you’re de facto limiting it to 3 dungeons + 2 WOD dungeons.

Instead of say DT and EoA which are thematically very different you’re opting for 2 Kara dungeons, which is a massive waste.

Operation Mechagon was also one of my least favourite instances. I did it in BFA, I would not want to do it again as part of an even more limited pool.

At least with the WOD dungeons there’s the option for 2 different experiences if you consider something like Everbloom and Grimrail Depot. Please seriously rethink your dungeon selection, and opt for different themes instead of mega dungeons to add variety.

If you’re not making S4 competitive, then offer more selection. It’s baffling to expand the content by making legacy content relevant again, and then only to limit it in a way that’s almost more restrictive than at present.

For example, imagine if you have a pool of 6-8 dungeons to chose from for each xpac, and pick 2 random SL dungeons, 2 random Legion dungeons… etc each week.

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Can’t belive these literal crybabies.
Blizz: We are trying to make the content drought till next expansion more bearable by adding more content, gear, etc.
Community: Wah Wah I’cant belive this I’m unsubbing nooooo

Like, you can’t make these people happy. Would belive nobody sane would have prefered doing the same stuff for another year. A lot of people will unsub until 10.0. This content is for the players who decide to stay here.

One thing I would add tho, it would have been much cooler in my opinion that the raids were older raids too. And with slightly didferent ilvl maybe?
Icecrown Citadel with 270-290 iLvL Gear.
Blackrock Foundry with 280-310 iLvL?
Siege of Orgrimmar with 310+?
Just an ideea, probably the community will apreciate this a bit more, even if there would be number tuning to do.
They could also make the final bosses drop the mounts on mythic guaranteed, like a lil bonus.

Also why not replace Tazavesh, which is a new dungeon, with some older goldies?
Halls of Reflection / Gundrak.
Maybe some Cata/MoP stuff?
Zul Gurub/Scholomance/Sunken Temple?

A lot of players would be happy with a 10-dungeon M+ meta like in 9.2.

Just some ideeas. I for one am looking forward to the new season.




While this a welcome twist of events, I rather would like to see previous only in heroic avaible Raids to see the addition of a Mythic Difficult instead f.e. Throne of Thunder. Playing Raids we previous just finished out this addon just feels boring and lackluster unless your planned affixes make the fights more intense and not gimmicky. Going down this path comes at a high risk. I would prefer just like you did for m+ giving us different raids.

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Yeah, thought the same.
The dungeons itself are nice and good, but with a timer in your neck, i will never go in any of those dungeons.
Why not all dungeons or let us pick, which one we run. Those “pick your favorite of OUR picks” is kinda idiotic.
It’s like, we give you what you want, but not how you want it… It needs to be our way!

You know, that you look like the opposite, but still the same…
Only stay ontopic and dont “mimimi” about what others are doing. You will not change them and they will also not change. It’s a wasted effort.
If all would ignore the “personal things”, the trolls would die out. (i can see the “wasted effort” in posting this, so no need to point it out ^^)

I like your idea though. Some parts of it at least =)
Would be awesome to raid old content in a 5/10-man with gear being dropped on a heroic ilevel or higher.

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Looks fun and I like that there’s something to carry us over to the next expansion! Interesting with dungeons that haven’t been done on m+ before, sure will be a challenge :slight_smile:

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Can’t speak for others, but that’s not what they’re doing for me.
This is NOT content for me. It’s bad. They should feel bad. I’m upset.
And I will NOT be paying for this ‘experiment’. Not now, not ever.

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That’s a great news, if only the raids were not the SL’s one

So hype about WoD’s MM+ tho, I wish we had less Tazavesh and more WoD’s dungeons but good enough


The precursor for it was done on those dungeons, challenge modes. They were timed. They just didn’t give you any useful loot, only achievement, mount and transmogs. I did the mop variant of it on my shaman.

Just what we have all been asking for, Raid+. I have been wondering when we will get this as been over the forums for many years now. Especially for the casual player base as they love the toxic behaviour in M+ so why not give to them in the raids as well.

Well done Blizzard, instead of getting a new zone and an extra raid tier you finish the story off correctly. you give the player base raid+ and and recycled WOD instances. Good use of Developer time.

You could of had a number of 1 to 3 boss instances or a better more casual friendly version of M+. Remove the Esports a bit form your game.

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They could’ve made it like Legion M+: optional. So those who want to participate, can, those of us who don’t, would not have to. Everyone would be happy.

Because the WoD ones aren’t coded for M+, so they need someone to work on it. That’s why we get to pick two now, but I’m sure if this is successful they will add the rest in time.

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They had the precursor to m+ though. The challenge modes.

I think overall it’s a good idea, but I’m not too thrilled about the dungeon selection except for Mechagon. I loved most of the dungeons in Legion but upper/lower Kara along with Seat and Cathedral felt good to leave behind. Then again I see everyone has their favorite so you can’t really please us all. My biggest concern is the WoD dungeons as they were not built with M+ in mind, even if it could be done on challenge mode.

But overall I’m glad you’re working on implementing more dungeons into the M+ pool because in the long run it will add more variety.

Why remake the Shadowlands raids, that we just have progged? Can’t you atleast bring back raids from Wotlk,Cata,Mop,WoD etc? And also, the m+ dungeons, add some from classic+tbc etc.

Most people are very tierd of Shadowlands tho, so adding another season, making Shadowlands be around 1 year more? Ouf, thats rough. Big mistake.

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